I've been critical of Wendy Wright's involvement in Obama's "abortion reduction" malarkey but it did give her a front row seat to report on the Fata Morgana.
"The qualifiers 'unintended and need' come straight from the liberal abortion handbook," said Wright. "The language is intentionally vague. A pregnancy may be unintended but not unwelcome."
"People hear the phrase 'reduce abortion' and they think 'reduce the number' of abortions. The administration is not saying that," she explained. "Number is quantifiable, but need is subjective. You can't prove that 'need' is reduced. Someone may feel a 'need' for abortion after going to Planned Parenthood, but they won't after going to a crisis-pregnancy center."
The only speakers on the conference call were Obama appointees, Wright said. She and Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life of America, listened in "silent only" mode.
According to a U.S. News report, White House speakers were Joshua DuBois, director of the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships; Melody Barnes, Domestic Policy Council director; and Tina Tchen, director of the new White House Council on Women and Girls.
Barnes is a former director of Planned Parenthood and former board member of Emily's List, a group that promotes pro-abortion candidates. Tchen is a former vice president of the National Organization for Women...
Administration officials de--clined repeated attempts by the Register to identify pro-life participants on the conference call or explain who would be contacted for future meetings.
I'm not a fan of sitting on boards that stonewall authentic activism in the defense of life. You don't involve yourself with 'reduce racism' efforts with the Klu Klux Klan. You don't enjoin in efforts with Nazi sympathizers to 'reduce anti-semitism'.
Let us not be silly.
I hope Catholic's will see the light & not be taken in - just by Obama saying Cardinal Bernardin was a saintly man? HUH? Shame shame shame...
hmm, I bet Cardinal Weaklands book will mention the saint Bernardin ...birds of a feather flock together...
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