Saturday, May 16, 2009

Rembert Weakland's Booty Call

Kansas City Catholic has an article up responding to Rembert Weakland's booty call in the NYT.

“If we say our God is an all-loving god [. . .], how do you explain that at any given time probably 400 million living on the planet at one time would be gay? Are the religions of the world, as does Catholicism, saying to those hundreds of millions of people, you have to pass your whole life without any physical, genital expression of that love?”

The same way you explain the billions of other situations that awkwardly leave married people in a situation without physical, genital expressions of love. Or divorced and not annulled or single people or prisoners.

Whatever attractions, predilections as a priest - the point of the entire life is to channel sexual expression into a different kind of intimacy. Everyone knows going into it, a priest passes the rest of their life without any genital expressions. Then, with a deep understanding of how to do it and the reasons to do it and the utter joy that comes with doing it, you teach your flock how to also avoid sinful temptations when you're in a situation that is gumming up genital expressions.

This man is a monument, memorializing priests who use their vocation to lead their flocks into temptations.

Speaking of Bishops who are leading their fiefdom into debauchery - there is a Caritas abortion update I'll be posting over the weekend. It is not good news. Cardinal O'Malley has been stalling so that Caritas could sail full steam ahead. He is trying to pull off a deliberate stonewalling.

Enjoy this gorgeous day - more later!

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