Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sons of Patrick Group at Boston College

"St. Patrick’s Day in Boston: noise and beer. Green-haired Irish wannabes pack bars and compete for bragging rights as the last “pub crawl” survivor left standing."

Boy, it's really uplifting to read this article about a faithful priest leading a "gentleman's group" at Boston College that focuses on male-female relationships.

Sons of St. Patrick, a band of Boston College undergraduates, should easily blend into this overindulgent crowd, right?

Not on your Blarney Stone.

“I warned them that around here that name sounds like a drinking club,” said Father Paul McNellis, a BC philosophy instructor who moderates the four-year-old fraternal group.

Sons is not an official BC organization. It’s a grassroots “society of Catholic gentlemen,” according to its mission statement.

Its hundred or so members really aim to imitate the patron saint of Ireland and Boston by leading virtuous lives and evangelizing. They want their actions, “particularly in their interaction with women, to reflect an understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Christ.”

Founded on the pillars of faith, fortitude and fraternity, the Sons of St. Patrick is “dedicated to fostering a community of virtue, character and faith amongst our peers and surrounding society.”

Now THIS is a big bleeping deal!

I saw one of their upcoming meetings and the topic was how to respond to the datehookup culture.

Spectacular work by this priest!


Maria said...

Now we can truly say to this Ad Majorem Dei Gloriae!! Trust me, when I was at BC in the early 70's there were no clubs of this sort and certainly no gentlemen. Alleluia.

John said...

What a breath of fresh air for the school nicknamed BC - Barely Catholic. Hopefully with the help of orthodox priests like this, and the Holy Spirit prompting these young men, the pendulum is turning.