Tuesday, May 18, 2010

National Catholic Register Surprises

This is me eating crow.

Not only did the National Catholic Register cover the Boston story, they hit it out of the park with this post by Jimmy Akin.

From Reardon’s letter, you’d have no idea whatsoever was at issue in the St. Paul School case. He vaguely refers to “an exclusionary admissions practice” and ominously warns that “no school that promotes an exclusionary admissions policy or practice will be considered for support.” He speaks opaquely of “a policy or practice that denies admission to students in such a manner as occurred at St. Paul’s.” He uses lofty rhetoric about the values of the foundation, its donors, and “Gospel teaching.” He warns that they will not fund “any school that treats students and families in such a manner.” He uses touchie-feelie language about Catholic schools being “welcoming communities,” “where all feel welcome.” And he says that the St. Paul School incident “disturbing.”
So disturbing, apparently, that he can’t even speak forthrightly about the subject. The whole thing has to be shrouded with indirectness, shielded from frank discussion, and wrapped in comforting PC rhetoric.

Akin calibrates Michael B. Reardon's letter by stripping it of intellectual dishonesty.

Here's a teaser:

Mr. Reardon may not understand the importance of being earnest, but let’s look at what he might have said had he chosen to be frank.
Dear School Administrators:
 Straight forward and well done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The heavyweights at Catholic News Agency and EWTN also weigh in:

Catholic schools have 'right' to protect best interests of children, asserts author

Boston, Mass., May 19, 2010 / http://angelqueen.org/forum/search.php?search_id=613303516&start=50 - As controversy swirls around the Archdiocese of Boston's decision to undermine a pastor who denied enrollment in a Catholic elementary school to a lesbian couple's child, Dale O'Leary, a noted Catholic author and international lecturer, is defending the Catholic Church's right to protect what she calls “the best interests of all the children.”

In an article provided to CNA, O'Leary argues that the Catholic Church cannot and will not [or rather, must not] compromise on Church teachings or “hide the truth.” Because of this, she notes, an awkward and potentially harmful situation for same-sex couples seeking admission for their children in Catholic schools may emerge.

“What is in the best interest of the children of same-sex couples and the other children?” O'Leary asks. “If they accept the children in the school, the children will either be alienated from their parents on whom they rely or alienated from God who would be seen as condemning their parents’ choices.”

“While older children might be able to understand and even appreciate the Church’s teaching, younger children certainly will not,” she added. “To them it will just seem mean. It will put the teachers in an untenable position and confuse the children’s classmates.”

“Therefore,” she argues, “it is reasonable for Catholic elementary schools to explain to same-sex couples that this is not the place for their children.”