Saturday, October 2, 2010

Is Caritas Broke Or Isn't It? You can't have it both ways.

An excellent post over at Boston Catholic Insider on the financial picture being presented by Caritas that doesn't pass the sniff test.

Is Caritas so broke that it needs Cerebus to survive or did they turn a 30 million dollar profit last year?

Are they so broke they can't pay people's pensions and have to close two hospitals or are they buying two hospitals?

It's pretty bad when the Boston Globe is willing to say something of the Attorney General's smells rotten.

Also - enjoy this great letter by CJ Doyle:

September 30, 2010

Letters to the Editor,
The Boston Globe,
PO Box 55819,
Boston, MA 02205-5819
To the Editor:
James Shannon was correct in advising Attorney-General Martha Coakley not to be pressured into a hasty approval of the sale of Caritas Christi Health Care to Cerberus Capital Management (The Caritas sale--with conditions, 9/28/2010).
The likely secularization of the hospitals that will occur under the new owners will not only result in the loss of Catholic medical ethics, but will adversely impact charitable care for those in need and will replace Catholic principles of social justice in employee relations with the free market law of supply and demand.
In her recommendation to the Supreme Judicial Court, the Attorney-General should embrace the proposal by health care advocates---endorsed by The Globe---to extend from three to seven years the period during which the hospitals could not be closed or sold. She should also call for eliminating the termination clause, which actually gives the Archdiocese of Boston a financial incentive in the loss of the system's Catholic identity.
For nearly a century and a half, Catholic health care has served the common good in Greater Boston. It is a legacy that should not be allowed to fail.
C. J. Doyle,
Executive Director
Catholic Action League of Massachusetts
35 Montclair Avenue
Boston, MA 02131
(781) 251-9739

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