Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Holy Trinity Parishioners Try Final Appeal to Stop Sale

The scoop at BCI in a story written by Monica Servidora.

Read it and weep.

“Two religious orders (the FSSP and the ICRSS), have previously expressed interest in maintaining the property and the Cardinal has showed no interest…A utilitarian understanding of ‘worship space’ seems to have been prevailed upon at least two generations of Catholics in Boston, reducing sacred architecture and the theology of the Domus Dei to a managed asset,” the parishioner said. “This has paved the way to massive church suppressions in Boston with little or no outcry from clergy or laity alike. Does anyone question the secular model of Church, currently peddled by the corporate wizards at the Pastoral Center?”

Lots of people question it. Over the last couple of years, one hundred thousand of them simply walked out of their parish.

The Cardinal Archbishop continues to dismantle and sell off the assets and structure it took three hundred years of Catholics to build.

The sale of this beautiful Church will barely cover one year of salaries for five of his grossly overpaid employees.

1 comment:

breathnach said...

Shame on the Archdiocese and it's head.

The complicity of the Archdiocese in the destruction of our Catholic patrimony, as represented by unique holy places like Holy Trinity, was best described by T.S. Eliot:

"And the wind shall say: "Here were decent godless people:
Their only monument the asphalt road
And a thousand lost golf balls."