Saturday, July 30, 2011

Kicking the dogs when they're down

I long ago stopped reading secular newspapers and watching the news. I figure if it's something that affects us, Pewsitter or New Advent will post it or the bloggers will pick it up. It's nothing but the propoganda of mean-spirited religious bigots.

Yesterday,I picked a Herald lying around on a table while waiting for my salad with chicken and feta and this story blew me away.

For those of you outside of Boston, the two characters involved are both former Speakers of the House, both democrats, both got prosecuted for abuse of power. Tom Finneran for some kind of redistricting scheme and Sal DiMasi for taking bribes. I don't know the merits of either accusation - but both were convicted. Tom now has a radio show and Sal is awaiting sentencing.

Finneran, is a prolifer and for the most part during his tenure he did what he could to protect unborn children.

DiMasi on the other hand, was an enemy of the unborn. He didn't just rake us over the coals, he was spiteful. There is no love loss between prolifers and Sal DiMasi, but nonetheless, this article is a pathetic indictment of where the media is taking the animus and soul of our country.

The village idiots are being desensitized to innate virtues, including compassion, by pitching class warfare.

Finneran was expressing compassion for a family he observes going down the tubes. A colleague, and presumably a friend of his, struggling to pay the bills and provide for their children.

Is this some kind of etiquette on compassion I'm unaware of?

When giants fall, we are suppose to laugh at and ridicule the compassion relatives and friends express towards those who studied in school, driven to achieve, who now find themselves unable to provide for their children?

How cheap and contemptible.

Yet, Casey Anthony, a woman who killed her daughter and got away with it, is showered with affection and compassion in the press. Charlie Sheen's drug addict and pervert show is a national sensation. Murderers, drug addicts and drunks are cultural heroes of the idiot boxes in our living rooms.

I that decent, honorable people won’t/don’t go into politics.

I also worry about the village idiots being desensitized to innate virtues – including compassion – by pitching class warfare.

The venom is just really shocking and sad for our country.

Something’s got to give.


Jerry said...

I'm sorry, Carol, but I gotta give a hearty ROFL:

“`Any human being feels for somebody else who’s going through it,' said Finneran, now the morning-drive host on WRKO-AM (680). `You’ve got millions and millions of Americans who are unemployed. Most of them are desperate for work, so you feel for anybody who is in that situation and has the self-respect and the determination to stand on their own two feet and provide for their family.'"

Am I missing something? Is Sal somehow not responsible for his "unemployment?" What's this about his "self-respect?" My sides are splitting! This is the pot calling the kettle white. Mass pols never cease to amuse me with their audacity.

Felon Finneran's remark reminds me of some lady jurors' in the Menendez murder case almost 20 years ago. The Menendez brothers killed their parents. The jury couldn't convict them because some women jurors felt sorry for the boys. Why? Because they didn’t have their parents anymore! Sal doesn't have a job anymore. Boo hoo??

Maybe Tom could set up a fund to take care of Sal's wife, if that's necessary. Or wait, maybe there's a 5-figure job available at the Probation Department? (For out-of-staters, the probation dept. is a place in hackville where pols hand out "jobs" to relatives.) Or maybe at the archdiocese?

Jerry said...

How about this: I feel sorry for Cardinal Law because he had to leave the country of his birth; a bishop who had the self-respect and determination to protect his priests.

Jerry said...

Oops - that's "6-figure job," not 5-figure. Sal's wife could work for 10 years and retire with full pension.

In any case, Sal's wife and step-kids get to keep his $968,300 North End condo. Life is rough.

TTC said...


I didn't know that about the Mendez jury. Goes to show how silly we can get.

I don't think that's where Finneran was coming from.

Of course DiMasi is responsible for his own predicament, but like those in prison, the compassion of those closest to the criminals relative to the consequences of to people around him... should that be laughed at?

Is that where we want to bring the culture?

Somehow, I'd rather fall on the side of understanding the emotions of people affected. You know me better than to think I'm saying we should crusade against accountability for their actions.

I'm all for accountability. I'm just saying the people close to the fall of another human being, watching the suffering and consequences - there are a boatload of emotions and the world would be a better place if we understood them, rather than laughed at them.

Do I feel sorry for Cardinal Law? Yes, I do. For a host of reasons. One, most of the people who were responsible were long gone, dead or were not held accountable. Law was just living the life of the princes lay people create.

Of all the asinine assertions in this world, the conviction that a bishop is a 'prince' rather than a martyr is at the top of my list of the vacuous ideas of class clowns of theology.

For centuries now, the people in the pews have created a culture where they protect evil. We created the monster, we contribute to it's livelihood. To this day. He just went along to get along, much like the bloats at 66 Brooks Drive creating the travelogue blogger.

Jerry said...

Somehow, I'd rather fall on the side of understanding the emotions of people affected.

That's OK. Woman's prerogative. (I can still say that in public, right?)

I'll grant that The Herald takes pleasure in harping on corrupt pols, probably inordinate, probably for the wrong reasons. But apart from the paper, Finneran is his own joke, and I'm still enjoying my laugh for the day.

BTW, how's your North End condo?

Jerry said...

Law was just living the life of the princes lay people create.

Ugh. He had 18 years in Boston. He inherited a mess, yes. But he never in 18 years got the idea that he should do the right thing?? A cardinal?? Sorry. No sympathy. None whatsoever.

TTC said...

It isn't just about inheriting a mess. It's also the lay people of the cult mentality who not just put up with, but demand the cover up of internal corruption, including the parents who wanted it hushed up. It's all well and good they come around now indignant about the cover ups, but they are the people who were right there with the brooms sweeping it all under the rugs.

That's why the Bishops go out of their way to draw the circle around themselves and the people of the cult. They go out of their way to identify people outside of it. People loyal to truth and Christ and His Church, above all.

It's one of the pathetic visions Christ saw from the Garden of Gethsemene.

We're getting off to a totally different subject!

Anonymous said...

Forgive me for sticking my two cents in the middle of you two, but here is something else I have noticed lately...

Has anyone else been getting "homilies" that it is wrong to criticize and not to be critical? We got one a few weeks ago. I read somewhere on the internet yesterday that someone else got a similar homily thousands of miles from me.

Anyway, don't be surprised that everything is upside down - one of Satan's calling cards.


Anonymous said...

Forgive me for sticking my two cents in the middle of you two, but here is something else I have noticed lately...

Has anyone else been getting "homilies" that it is wrong to criticize and not to be critical? We got one a few weeks ago. I read somewhere on the internet yesterday that someone else got a similar homily thousands of miles from me.

Anyway, don't be surprised that everything is upside down - one of Satan's calling cards.


Anonymous said...

Even the computer is upside down. I was told that I entered the wrong verification word but apparently the computer got it wrong because my entry showed up twice.


Jerry said...

one of Satan's calling cards

Oh yes. Judge not. Pederasts are people, too.

It's just another rendition of "Sympathy for the Devil" -- hoo hoooo! Mick Jagger is laughing, somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooooh! Jerry!! Don't laugh. Here is a "Sympathy For the Devil" true story.

When I was in high school, my girlfriend and I attended our very first - guitar Mass! Guess, oh! do guess, Jerry, what our "Entrance 'Hymn'" was???????????


P.S. Too bad that didn't tip me off way back then as to who was behind the church revolution, but my friend and I were too busy doing the backround "Hoo! Hoo's!" to the song to put two and two together.

Jerry said...

Dear Veronica,

No lie? Wow. And I thought "Let it Be" was pretty bad. Aleister Crowley would be pleased either way. Well, there's plenty of room at the Hotel California, so I've heard!

Anonymous said...

Jerry, who could make something like that up?

It was in the Archdiocese of Newark. They even handed out the lyrics on a sheet of paper for those who didn't know them.


"Take me to the station
And put me on a train
I've got no expectations
To pass through here again...."

Oh! I do confess - I loved that album!!

Jerry said...

I blared that crowleyite trash into my head for more than a decade. Yet the Mother of God gave me a pass. So I trashed all my Beatles, Stones, Pink Floyd, Zeppelin, etc. I haven't looked back and don't allow any of it in my house. I know what it is. I know who it is. And it's no surprise to find him at the novus ordo: "what's puzzlin' you is the nature of my game."

Anonymous said...

" long ago stopped reading secular newspapers and watching the news."

Me too Carol. As far as I'm concerned the MSM is the enemy.


Anonymous said...

" I trashed all my Beatles, Stones, Pink Floyd, Zeppelin, etc. I haven't looked back and don't allow any of it in my house. I know what it is. I know who it is"

How do know this Jerry. Should I stop listening to Zepplin/Stones, etc?


breathnach said...

I have to give a (backhanded) shout out here to David Bowie. I believe it's on his Ziggy Stardust album, he perfectly describes the ultimate goal of the Voice of the Faith(less), the Unni-ites, and all the other various and sundry "Call to Action" type "catholycs":

"The church of man, love, is such a holy place to be
..... make me know you really care
Make me jump into the air...."

Jerry said...


I'd highly recommend going cold turkey and burning all Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, and all similar Crowleyite noise (most everything since the 60's). Just google "rock music crowley" to find many sources of info. The Remnant had some articles years ago, too.

Jimmy Page used Aleister Crowley's methods of "magick" to conjure the demonic world at his live shows. You don't want to submit yourself to "music" from someone who deliberately channels demons. The Stones are out, simply for their album entitled "Their Satanic Majesties Request," and their submission to Crowley. The Beatles put Crowley's photo in Sgt. Pepper, were rather blatantly anti-Catholic (Lennon especially), promoted drugs and eastern mysticism. I could go on and on.

The message is invariably sex, drugs, rock-n-roll. It is intended to reduce your natural inhibitions to sinful behavior. The rhythm, tonal progressions, volume, and frenzy are all designed to get inside you and set a hook. For example, if I ever hear Clapton, Page, Stevie Ray Vaughn, etc., I feel it inside regardless of the volume. The imprint and effect are strong and emotive, and haven't faded much even after 20 years of freedom from it. But that's exactly what it's supposed to do to you.

The pull is away from Jesus and Mary. There can be no contemplative life for one who indulges his appetite on that noise. It will strangle the means of grace.

Give it up. Pray the Rosary every day. You have my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jerry, I will pray about this. I believe you.

I heard about Page' affiliation in the Satanic .. I also enjoy Black Sabbeth/ ACDC too :(

I was looking at their song listings on wiki, almost every song is about sex, drugs, satan, hell. That music when it's played does draw one to want to start parting and do drugs.


Hesketh said...

Satanist Jimmy Page purchased Aleister Crowley's mansion and was deeply involved in the satanic and occult abyss. Likewise David Bowie in the 70s, his albums are littered with allusions to Crowley, kabbalistic practices etc. While a zonked out cocaine fiend in the 70s he believed Page had placed a curse on him and resorted to "white witchcraft" etc. etc. etc.

At university (in the 80s) I researched for the Catholic chaplaincy on this subject. I agree with Jerry, this stuff needs to be expunged from the devout Catholics environment.

Jerry said...

Thanks, Hesketh.

There's another aspect of the pop music scene that, in my opinion, makes it all the more dangerous today. This is digital high-fidelity recording intended for intra-cranial delivery, e.g., iPod with ear buds. In the 70's we had OK recordings and usually listened via loudspeakers. Nowadays most folks consign 100% of their auditory faculty to the siren song, shutting out the rest of the world. They get intimately connected, hearing every detail with full fidelity. They are wide open to suggestions implanted even at a subtle whisper level. You can be sure that Crowleyites take full advantage of this medium to more completely manipulate their adherents.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the music should be trashed, and it hasn't improved over the decades. The music today is worse.

But I do have a soft spot still for the Moody Blues up to and incuding their "Seventh Sojourn" album.
