Tuesday, August 23, 2011

earthquake hits boston...standing in the streets

...with everyone else on the east coast..


susan said...

WOW!!! I'm not to awful far from the epicenter here in VA...it was pretty sporty! Was in a Wegmans watching the steel girders sway thinking, "either this is a big earthquake or the Capitol has just been nuked."

"...there will be earthquakes in diverse places..."

God have mercy on us.

Anonymous said...

Get ready, get ready, get ready...God isn't happy with thses United States.

It's ok Carol, Boston is safe, for now...

Anonymous said...

Interestin, they've kept the 5.3 in Colorado & all the shaking there out of the news.
Times like these I'd listen to Our Lady & what she has to say & said over all the years in many places.

Maria said...


Hope all is well. Susan , I am in Bethesda. I was reading about the errors of "theology from below" ,ie, God was not God-man, just another good guy, when the house started shaking. It was something. I am getting to confession this week-end, lol.

Anonymous said...

Maria, is it true that some stones fell from your favorite place, the National Cathedral?


Maria said...

Veronica: The National Cathedral is currently being investigated. Stones fell from the top and there are also crack in two wings. Architects and Engineers are going over it as we speak.

Restore-DC-Catholicism said...

Maria, you're in Bethesda? I'm in Gaithersburg. Pop on over to http://restore-dc-catholicism.blogspot.com/ occasionally as I try to comment on local matters. Drop me a comment if you see something I should cover. Thanks.

TTC said...

What the freek.

Glad everyone is safe and there was no damage.

I never thought I'd be running out of a swaying building in Boston.

TTC said...

Susan - those were my thoughts too - either terrorism or an earthquake...or our building was having some engineering problems.


Maria said...

Carol: Am glad you a re OK! Wild, huh?

Restore DC Catholicism:

You do great work at your blog! If anything comes my way I will absoultely give you a heads up!

TTC said...


Glad it wasn't just me who found the conclusion we were supposed to draw evasive.

If Joseph is saying Christ's One Holy Apostolic Church flawlessly delivers teachings on morality, sexuality and any other teaching in the Catechism or encylicals bound to teaching ex Cathedra, by the authority granted by Christ, but have personal flaws that manifest themselves in weakness, cowardice, contracting the killing of children for profit, protecting and enabling pedophiles and sociopaths within, turning Christ's Church into a moneymaking machine to enrich themselves and their buddies through withholding Church teaching and sending thefaithful to Ghehanna....I can agree with that. That is what we are working on here.

The other conclusions are errors and blasphemy and are matters for Confession, Eucharist and intensive course on Catechesis.

susan said...

Carol, just now getting caught up after being out of town, and just read your post "The Future of Our Church"...SUBLIMELY BEAUTIFUL!!! It is a TRUE pleasure to read your musings, and wrap myself in the wisdom you've been gifted with. Thank you!...I will be reading much of it to my 8th grade CCD class very soon. It is a piece of classic beauty...thank you!

And Maria, you live so close to me....we should have lunch some time soon!

Maria said...

Susan: We definitely should Susan! Send Carol your E-mai.

Anonymous said...

I'm ready and I don't mind.


rubyroad said...

Our son emailed us that he was on the metro in NY and "the sidewalks in front of every building were filled with people- i thought the whole city had taken up smoking. Then we couldn't call home bc everyone was on their phone!