Monday, October 17, 2011

Prayer in Times of Suffering

I'm not sure where these came from, but they are amazing.

Prayer of Resignation in Suffering

Merciful Lord of life, I lift up my heart to You in my suffering, and ask for your comforting help. I know that You would withhold the thorns of this life, if I could attain eternal life without them. So, I throw myself on your mercy, resigning myself to this suffering. Grant me the grace to bear it and to offer it in union with your sufferings. No matter what suffering may come my way, let me always trust in You. Amen.

Prayer to Accept Suffering

O my Lord Jesus Christ, I believe...that nothing great is done without suffering, without humiliation, and that all things are possible by means of it. I believe, O my God, that poverty is better than riches, pain better than pleasure, obscurity and contempt than name, and ignominy and reproach than honor....
O my dear Lord, though I am so very weak that I am so very weak that I am not fit to ask for suffering as a gift, and have not strength to do so, at least I would beg of your grace to meet suffering well, when You in your wisdom lay it upon me. Amen.

Prayer of Offering of Suffering

Heavenly Father, You created me and most lovingly care for me. I accept all my sufferings most willingly, and as a truly obedient child I resign myself to your holy will. Grant me the strength to accept generously your loving visitation, and never let me grieve your faithful heart by giving in to impatience and discouragement. I offer you all my pains; and in order that they may be acceptable to You and fruitful for my salvation I unite them with the most bitter pains of your beloved Son Jesus. Amen.

Another Prayer of Offering of Suffering

My Divine Saviour, Jesus, You loved me to such a degree as to suffer and die for my salvation. Through the love I have for You, I most willingly offer to your honor all that I have ever suffered in the past, am now suffering, or will suffer in the future. This is the basis and motive of the love which animates me. Your love enables me to suffer with joy. I will to suffer because You suffered and because You want me to suffer, for I love You more than myself. Amen.

Prayer to Suffer in Union with Jesus

Dear Jesus, for love of You I desire to suffer all things, because for love of me You endured such cruel torments. O my Jesus, I unite my pains with the ones which You suffered and I make an offering of them to your eternal Father. O my Jesus, out of the abundance of your divine goodness give me the virtues of meekness and patience, so that I may willingly carry my cross after You. Amen.

Prayer to Suffer in Silence

Lord Jesus Christ, grant me the grace to be kind and gentle in all the events of my life. Let me put self aside and think of the happiness of others. Teach me to hide my little pains and disappointments so that I may be the only one who suffers for them. Let me learn from the suffering that I must endure. May I so use it as to become mellow rather than embittered, patient rather than irritable, and forgiving rather than overbearing. Amen.

Prayer of Acceptance of Sickness

Heavenly Father, I desire to accept this sickness from your hands and to resign myself to your will, whether it be for life or for death. Help me to be faithful to my desire and give me the courage to carry it out. Amen.

Prayer for Help in Time of Sickness

Lord Jesus Christ, Incarnate Son of God, for our salvation You willed to be born in a stable, to endure poverty, suffering and sorrow throughout your life, and finally to experience the bitter death of the cross.
I beg You to say to your Father on my behalf: "Father, forgive him/her."
At my death, say to me: "This day you shall be with me in paradise."
And let me throw myself on your mercy: "Into your hands, I commend my spirit." Amen.

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