Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Floozy Watch

To recap, as it turns out, Sharon Bailek doesn't want a job after all. She gets terminated from every job and seems to have made a living out of avoiding working for a living and paying her bills while living it up in frau-frau style. She has filed for personal bankruptcy twice.

She's borrowed money from boyfriends and tried to screw them out of it by accusing them of harassment when they asked for it back. She's screwed the IRS, the Illinois Department of Revenue, numerous credit card companies and landords.

According to witnesses, she was flirting with and hugging Cain at an event a month ago and current boyfriend and father never heard of the allegations until right before the press conference.

She also had a tough time convincing a lover that he was the father of her child. How white trash can you get when a man she was sleeping with doubted he was the only one?

As if this isn't creepy enough, she lives in the same building as David Axelrod, whose fingerprints appear to be all over this thing.

The other dame, Ms. Kraushaar also appears to have an interesting accusation history.

She made a big stink about some poor intemperate man who circulated a joke and took another employer to the cleaners when she felt entitled to work from home. Oddly enough, along with tens of thousands of dollars, her settlement included a year-long fellowship at the Kennedy School of Government. Krausharr's former supervisor called the suit frivolous and said she had a lousy work ethic. She said she was speaking out because of doubts about her credibility.

The Obama moonbats are like the archdiocese. Overtime you think you have a handle on the corruption, you realize it is much worse than you thought.


Karen said...

True democracy has not existed for a LONG time. Money buys results and corruption is the name of the game. I just pray that enough citizens wake up to that reality to see through lies and manipulation of the system before it is too late, if it is not already. Sorry for the pessimism.

Karen said...

True democracy has not existed for a LONG time. Money buys results and corruption is the name of the game. I just pray that enough citizens wake up to that reality to see through lies and manipulation of the system before it is too late, if it is not already. Sorry for the pessimism.