Saturday, January 14, 2012

Priest Dressing His Dogs Up in Vestments to Assist the Sacred Liturgy

Scroll through the eight pictures of the dogs in vestments HERE.

Can you imagine being a priest, knowing the mystical things that happen to the souls who can be led to travel back to the moment and place of Christ's Last Supper, the communion of angels and saints in that Sanctuary...and bringing DOGS to take the focus away from the poor uncatechized slobs sitting in the pews?

The moment when a soul can be physically embraced in this intimate and sacramental union and this moron is bringing dogs with vestments into the Sanctuary.

The painful story HERE.


Anonymous said...


Did you read the comments after the story?

Dear Lord help us.

You are right, "poor uncatechized slobs sitting in the pews," indeed.

"The do it yourself liturgy is over"?

I guess that statement by Cdl Arinze, back when the revised GIRM was released in 2003 (and he was prefect of the CDW), has yet to reach the ears of Fr. Snipes.

1. Regulation of the Sacred Liturgy depends solely on the authority of the Church, that is, on the Apostolic See and, as laws may determine, on the bishop.

2. In virtue of power conceded by the law, the regulation of the Liturgy within certain defined limits belongs also to various kinds of competent territorial bodies of bishops legitimately established.

3. ***Therefore no other person, even if he be a priest, may add, remove, or change anything in the Liturgy on his own authority.***

(Sacrosanctum Concilium #22, Vatican II)

Catechist Kevin

Dan said...

Look at this priest....what a horse's ass.

TTC said...


I had not read the comments after the story until your abject horror got the best of my curiosity.

I guess it is true then that God does not give what is holy to the dogs.

TTC said...

Dan, Buffoonery is not all that attractive, is it.

Anonymous said...

the rainbow alb should be a dead giveaway.

TTC said...

I wondered if that what was going on with the alb.

I spot checked the calendar and bulletins through last year and this and there is a lot of hype and whoopiedoo but really nothing scandalous.

These circus atmospheres are a big red flag for a priest who does not have the companionship and intimacy with Christ in his soul. They fill their emptiness and loneliness with mortal entertainment and when it comes to bringing their treasures into the Sacred Liturgy, they bring what they know and possess into It.

He disclosed the state of his spiritual life. He finds the precious Gifts in the Sanctuary 'rigid' and 'frigid'. If I was his bishop, I would have made an emergency trip over to Our Lady of Guadalupe and ordered him to a six month treatment center in a monestary that knows and lives the Divine Gifts of the Eucharist in the Sanctuary.

I prayed for the guy and his bishop and spent some time comforting Our Lord. Don't know what else to do.

Steve "scotju" Dalton said...

This church dog nonsense will end the very first time a stray cat comes into the sanctuary!

TTC said...

LOL, Steve! I think if I were in the area, that is precisely what I would do.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that the German Shepard is not wearing a maniple. This must be a Novus Ordo Mass.

But kidding aside, it is nonsense like this that drives people to the SSPX.

Anonymous said...

If you want a local dog Mass, come to St. Bridget in Maynard. The pastor's dog barked during the consecration at a recent Mass and he stopped to talk to the dog! We've complained to the chancery and the regional bishop but nothing is done about it.

TTC said...

No. No. Please tell me this isn't happening in Massachusetts?!

It was the one thing I finally thought we didn't have going on here!

Freeken ridiculous.

Can you take some pictures and send them to me?

StevenD-Jasper said...

"We've complained to the chancery and the regional bishop but nothing is done about it."

How many times have we heard this type of statement. I wonder how bad things could get before they acted..

TTC said...


You have a short memory. Even if our children are raped, the people doing the complaining are the enemy until it all lands in the newspapers.

Nothing has changed. Not a thing. This is why we must keep on going.

Unless a priest needs a seeing eye dog, there is no excuse for this. (I've checked the website and done a few googles and this does not seem to be the case) I'm going to write Father a note and cc his supervisors and see if we can't get some kind of resolution.

TTC said...

-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Mckinley
To: stbr.sec1
Cc: bostoncatholicinsider; reverendbryan_parrish; Vicar_General
Sent: Sun, Jan 15, 2012 9:35 am
Subject: dog in the sanctuary at Mass


Dear Fr. Prusaitus,

Several readers of Boston Catholic blogs have written to inform us that you are bringing a dog into the Sanctuary during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The dog is barking, scratching and licking himself, wandering around the Sanctuary and doing other doggie things that have become a major distraction from their prayerful focus on Christ's Sacrifice, Crucifixion and Rising from the dead and the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Beloved.

Is this true? Are you bringing a dog into the Sanctuary?

I am sure you are unaware of how this presents to those of us lucky enough to have been catechized about what is going on in the Sacred Liturgy?

Please allow me to tell you:

Working people are down to having an hour a week to get to Church to hear Christ preach the Beatitudes, be present with Him in Gethsemene and in the Praetorium and He is Condemned to be executed. We quite literally, transport ourselves in mystical prayer to follow Him in His Passion and as He is lifted up on His Cross in Gogoltha. We are acutely aware of his guardian angels. Our own guardian angels, the presence of the Communion of Saints, souls in purgatory and in heaven. We have hunted down a confessor prior to arriving (and believe me when I tell you that in a diocese where priests have abandoned this Sacrament, it is a crucible for working people to get themselves to a place that priests are in the confessional), we have come to the Sanctuary free of sin - so that Our Savior can take up residence in our souls and we may benefit from His counsel as we make our choices. We are there to mystically offer ourselves and all we are and do with Christ and for Christ - as you offer up your own life in persona Christi.

A generation has been robbed of the catechesis to know what is going on in these moments, how to pray the Mass. But for those of us lucky enough and trying to do it, to see a priest bring a barking, scratching and licking his genitals dog to a Mass - we are beside ourselves at this buffoonery.

Please, for the love of Christ, leave the dog in the rectory and let working people have an hour of peace in their prayer in these Sacred Moments.

God Bless, Carol McKinley

(I'll follow up with the Chancery and local bishop - anyone know who it is?)

Dymphna said...

I noticed someting in the photos. Most of the parishioners appeared to be old.

TTC said...

Dympha, I noticed that too. Strange, isn't it?

I just found out another Boston priest is taking his dog into the Church.

How can this really weird idea coincidently be spreading like wildfire?

Jack O'Malley said...

I really must say that all of this is a tempest in a teapot.

Unless the rubrics are ignored (are there even any rubrics in the novus ordure?) what is the issue here? If the pooch is wearing a stole and maniple, can he not as legitimately serve as a "Eucharistic minister" as any of the superannuated liturgical ladies? OK, maybe Snipes calls the "gifts" treats instead of wafers. A simple Aristotelian category error. It's not like anything is actually transubstantiated or anything like that. C'mon. Be ecumenical. Where's that ol' Spirit of Vatican Two? Welcome your canine cousins. Just watch out for the poop in the pulpit, padre.

This is all just hateful cynophobia. Shame!

After all, cynophilia once used to be called sodomy too. Just ask Fr. Unnuch. Or whatever his name is.

Besides, are the Dominicans not called the "Dogs of the Lord"? Well? Well? So there.

Woofus, woofa, woofum. Et cum woofum tuum.

Steve "scotju" Dalton said...

Jack,it's not a tempest in a teapot, it's litter in a litter-box! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Regarding St.Bridget's in Maynard, and the Dog. As recently as this past September, a group of us went to the cluster Vicar, in Marlboro, and expressed great concern about our pastor. The vicar was made aware of the dog's presence at a funeral,stations of the cross on Good Friday, and a mass. He dismissed it as though it did not matter. WE were and are still, deeply concerned about the quality of sacramental life, and the future of St. Bridget's Parish in Maynard. To date, the cluster vicar,and other people of the archdiocese have not responded.

TTC said...

Absolutely absurd.

This is the same protect each other dynamic that has been the problem all along.

Who is the Vicar Forane?

To whom did you speak in the Chancery?

I'm going to make some phone calls tomorrow.

TTC said...

n.b. Snagging some pictures with their cell phone would be most helpful. My email is listed on my profile.

Steve "scotju" Dalton said...

Yes, use the cellphones, and don't forget to bring a cat!

Anonymous said...

The Dog issue at St. Bridget's in Maynard is not the only problem we are having with our pastor. Our pastor is away Sunday afternoon through Thursday. The November 1st Holy Day fell on his day off, he did not come back from his home on the cape to celebrate the mass for the parishioners, instead, he "hired" a priest from the Campion Center to do HIS job. Recently he was overhead saying that his assignment at St. Bridget's in Maynard means nothing to him, (He has been here for 6 years, and this is not news to us, we got that message very shortly after he arrived in Maynard), he then added that he looks at his assignment at St. Bridget's as a "paid retirement". Very shortly,we are losing our parochial vicar, who filled in the huge gaps left by the pastor. I'm afraid sacramental life at St. Bridget's will barely have a pulse when our parochial vicar leaves us in a few weeks. We have tried to calmly talk to our cluster vicar,in Marlboro, he offered no resolution to this declining situation of parish life. We have written letters to the Chancery in Boston, (Rev. Thomas S. Foley,and Rev. Michael Medas) and sent them a signed a petition asking for their help. No one from the chancery has responded. I'm afraid that the administrators surrounding our cardinal have kept this information from him. I am very concerned about the future of our parish. I'm sure the Cardinal would be horrified to learn about what is going on at St. Bridget's in Maynard. Unfortunately, for St. Bridget's parishioners, this information is being kept from the cardinal.

TTC said...

Friend, please drop me an email.

You've got a couple of things going on. One, you are barking up some of the wrong trees. Fr. Tom Foley is not the right authority to discipline this problem. Remind me again, who Fr. Medas is - but I don't think he is the right party either. There's a chain. You started out correctly by going to the vicar forane. Frankly, I am surprised he didn't act on it or return my phone call but not doing so is unacceptable. This is what is broken. They are all protecting each other. This flaw has got to be pinned on them and we must insist they cease and desist.

They cannot ignore and protect each other. But the right chain of command has to be approached for accountability on paper.

You can reach me at the following email at america online:

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol, thank you for your feedback, and help, so noted, just sent you an email.

Anonymous said...

Father Michael Medas is the Director of Clergy Personnel. He makes the assignments. He is transferring the WRONG priest from St. Bridget's. He is transferring the priest who visits the sick and attends to the dying. He is transferring the priest who says Mass with great reverence and who is always there for people. He is transferring the priest who lives a holy life. We are stuck with the priest who is on the cape four days a week and who rushes through Mass like he has something more important to do. We are stuck with the priest who treats parishioners like they are dirt. No one will listen. People sent letters to Father Medas but he is still not going to let Father Aubin stay here.

TTC said...

Ok, Thanks. I will email you back. Let's chat.

Let them do what they wish to the associate. They have the right to. Frankly, it sounds like God is protecting him.

These allegations indicate you have an abusive priest on your hands who is terrorizing women. The right people have to be held accountable.

Anonymous said...

The latest at St. Bridget's in Maynard. A very scathing 8 page letter along with financial papers was sent to Monsignor Robert Deeley, Rev. Thomas Foley, Rev. Michael Medas, and Rev. Michael W. MacEwen.
The letter detailed incidences of the pastor's "rudeness, arrogance, and general hatred of the parishioners over the last six years". There were 20 points of concern. The letter also gave details of financial suspicions.
Here are just some of the points in the letter:
1.We have a part-time pastor, he leaves every Sunday after his last Mass, which in the summer is after the 7:30am, and does not return until late Wednesday or Thursday morning. This past year he took off 10 days after Easter, July,part of August, 7 days in October, and 10 days after Christmas.
2.We have no parish council, the last election was in 2006, no meetings, no elections since 2006.
3. We have received one parish financial report from the pastor in all the years he has been here.
4. His mistreatment of priests assigned to our parish.
5. Dismantling of parish committees and spiritual development committees. For example, the parish retreat during lent, and days of prayer in Advent, the discontinuation of the St. Therese of Lisieux Novena,(from St. Casimir's parish after it closed and joined St. Bridget's parish), and various religious speakers.
6. His dog, present at mass, funerals, confessions, Good Friday stations of the Cross.
The cluster vicar mentioned above also got a copy,he met with our pastor, and was content to sweep the entire letter "under the rug". He never called for a meeting with the parishioners to hear our concerns. Just dismissed us and the letter. I think it would have been prudent and compassionate for someone to come to our church and hear our voices, in a private session without the pastor, or his staff present. We are terrified to sign letters, talk to him privately or openly for fear of the Pastor locking us out of our church. I now understand how the recent atrocities of the past in our archdiocese were allowed to go on...covered up. Cover ups continue to happen, Am I wrong to think that the archdiocese has learned nothing from the past?
Only God can save St. Bridget's, please pray for us and our church.