Saturday, September 29, 2012

SSPX Slides Further on the Slippery Slope

I'm not exactly surprised but I'm bumming about the latest developments with SSPX.

They were sabotaging their reconciliation?

After calling the doctrinal preamble which Cardinal William Levada delivered to Fellay, “false”, the Lefebvrian bishop said some “very mild and soft” decisions were taken at the General Chapter of the Society of St. Pius X, convened last July, so as to “present Rome with such great obstacles that it would be prevented from making any new proposals to us. But the Devil is evil and I think they will strike again, so I am discreetly preparing to defend us and the Fraternity will defend itself.”
And referring to JPII's beatification as false?

When Christ said He had to go to Heaven so that the Holy Spirit could descend, evidently, Fellay thinks it was code for him.

I'm sorry to say that the sedevacanists bother me more than the plebes at America Magazine.


Steve "scotju" Dalton said...

This bishop who is quoted in both articles is not the head of the SSPX. He, along with Williamson, is one of the loose cannons of that organization. Fellay is the head of the SSPX. What he says should be listened to or criticized. The critics, like Fr. Abe, should have waited to hear what Fellay had to say, instead of jumping on the SSPX immediately.
I do not care for Fr. Abe's way of handling this. It reminds me of the way cult leaders treat people who have legitimate doubts about the way things are in an organization. Fr. Abe comes across as a person who basically tramples on people who dare to question him.

breathnach said...

Even the most extreme sedevacanists don't present the "clear and present danger" of the dissident catholycs in our midst.

The sedavacantists have the integrity to stand outside the Church and spew their venom. America magazine and their confreres are the "Trojan Horse in the City of God", as Dietrich von Hildebrand dubbed them.

TTC said...

I think he is probably a loose cannon. The Pope wouldn't use 'post conciliar teachings' as if the power of teaching in the Church comes from collegial democracy of a Council, rather than the Chair of Peter. Yet, I wonder if he just isn't being honest about the substance behind closed doors.

Didn't Fellay leak something a few months back that indicated the reconciliation would not compel them to accept the structure of Christ's Church and teachings?

Lynne said...

They aren't sedevacanists. How reputable is the publication, Vatican Insider? Typically, people start making all sorts of claims based a bad translation.

I've been to the SSPX Mass here in the Boston area 3 times now. They are loyal to the Pope and I, for one, pray that the situation can be worked out.

Today, I went to the N.O. Mass at my 'home' parish. The visiting priest, a Salesian, had all the children come into the sanctuary during the consecration!!! I will call the pastor tomorrow (when I'm calmer). N.O. Masses here in MA, at least on the North Shore, suck.

susan said...

i am one who is still praying desperately for their return...they would bring MUCH good into the mess we've got.

also, our Holy Father did them NO good turn when ne named Mueller as head of the CDF...that was a direct shot across the bow, and a slamming of the door by Rome. It still leaves me sick to my stomach....will never understand that move.