Saturday, January 3, 2015

Crux Reports: Italian Apostates Launch Petition to "Back the Pope"

This is pretty desperate.

According to the petition, which was launched the day after the essay appeared, Messori’s critique was a “true declaration of war” and expressed the leading edge of a deeply entrenched anti-Francis backlash.

“The arrival of Francis has provoked frantic reactions with the Vatican Curia, which, decimated by scandals and corruption, considers the pope a foreign body in its systems of alliances with worldly power, fueled by two perverse instruments: money and sex,” the petition asserts.

“At first the chatter about a ‘strange pope’ began quietly, but then it became steadily louder and clearer,” the petition asserts.

The petition makes reference to Cardinals Muller and Burke's book "which came out against the idea of allowing divorced and civilly remarried Catholics to receive Communion."

It isn't an 'idea'.

It's instructions that contradict immutable and unchangeable teaching on marriage.

That book, according to the petition, “reinforced the front of adversaries who see in Pope Francis a danger that must be blocked at all costs.”

“We oppose these maneuvers, expressions of a conservatism that often has impeded the church from fulfilling its only true responsibility of spreading the gospel,” the petition says.

Pope Francis. Just a guy saving the Church from 2000 years of people who were impeding the Gospel.

If you can get beyond the blasphemy of that allegation, it's kinda funny.

Here comes the stampede of apostates to regurgitate the Pope's messages caricaturing the saints and doctors of the Church as an enemy of the Gospel. The gospel of finding virtue in sleeping around and sacrilegious Communion.

These folks just don't get that the Church isn't a place where the majority opinions of moonbats seizes control of the teachings of the Church. It has to preserve the teachings and that is what is going to happen at all costs.

It bears repeating: The Pope's 'adversaries' are Catholics who practice their religion.

There are enough people in the Holy See who knows what this means and what they have to do about it.

Who can deny the existence of absolute confusion? The tango danced in St. Peter’s Square on December17, 2014, for Pope Francis’ birthday, reminds one of another music: the one they were playing on the Titanic the night of the tragedy. Then however, the tip of the iceberg appeared suddenly, and the dancers were unaware of the imminent disaster. Today the iceberg is visible and there are those that are cheering for the impossible shipwreck of the Barque of Peter. Many people though, are alarmed and have a strong sensation, as Cardinal Burke said, that the Church is a ship adrift. We are among them and for this reason we didn’t greet 2015 with dancing and fireworks, but with the firm decision of responding to Cardinal Burke’s appeal to fight, from today onwards until the next Synod - and beyond it - to defend the truth of the Gospel on marriage.

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