Friday, July 24, 2015

Sacred Heart Seminary issues warning of sexual predatory practices of its priests if men don't cover from head to toe.

An outrageous response to legitimate concerns is published from Kathy Schiffer at Patheos.


Do I need new glasses or is her blog actually named 'women of grace'?!

A woman of grace would realize the implications of this outlandish warning from seminary staff:

The seminary has just announced they are ordaining men who become sexually aroused when they see flesh of other men and they are unable to control their urges to act upon the lust. They are pinning accountability for the actions of the predator on the potential victims of unwanted sexual advances.

The most important disclosure from the Archdiocese is implied: Once the men leave the seminary, these same uncontrollable sexual urges are going to be exhibited in your community and parish when they see eyecandy in the pews or the community.

What will the archdiocese do then? Post warnings on telephone polls warning men to cover themselves from head to toe?

They can't be serious.

Memo from Seminary Staff:

Gentlemen, we are ordaining same sex attracted men with active sexual histories who will lust after somebody and will potentially act upon it if they see male skin. We have placed sexual predators in the building who are unable to control their libido. It is your responsibility to make sure they don't fondle somebody after seeing the skin on your legs. Please make sure you cover yourselves from head to toe.

Ugh. I can't stand it!

Gentleman, allow us to help you with your gross spiritual negligence and stupidity:

You don't ordain men with same-sex attractions for the same reasons caring people don't:

Put a man addicted to pot in charge of the "medical" marijuana facility.

Assign Carol in a career to frost cupcakes.

Hand a pubescent child with raging hormones a condom while saying "here, you are going to need this" and put him in a room with cute peers and issue a warning sins are about to be committed and to take care it isn't you.

Hire a young, attractive large-breasted woman as a maid for the seminary.

Get it?

You are placing them in a career where the temptations will overwhelm them in their weakness - and they will consume and destroy the people around them when they fall into the pit. And then you have the nerve to put the onus for this fragile situation - created by YOU - on the potential victims of unwanted sexual advances.

Mind blowing stupidity and audacity.

History has demonstrated, and I think we can expect seminary officials not to care that they are ordaining men with uncontrollable urges to act on SSA. This is the longstanding practice which resulted in SSA men with the inability to control themselves finding at-risk teenagers to have sex with and then pressured them not to tell anyone.

But we as lay people must care.

Setting up a blog and writing about matters that involve the safety and sanctity of Christ's people comes with responsibilities. One must never defend the indefensible or attack whistleblowers who have the grace and fortitude to do it.


Here is the website of the seminary.

This seminary attracts 'students' with an athletic facility, a commuter lounge, parking, student health, technology and the services of the cafeteria. There isn't a thing on there that would interest a man who is looking for support for religious life. The place is obviously run by horses asses.


FMCMXCI said...

Saint John XXIII stated in Religiosorum institutio (1961) that seminarians with homosexual tendencies should not be ordained to the sacred priesthood. That such a warning can possibly be issued by a seminary shows how rotten Catholic seminaries are nowadays.

Michael Dowd said...

Just another nail in the coffin of our Catholic clergy leadership. Wonder how it will be until we have a 100% gay clergy? A day reckoning can't be far off. Christ will not be mocked.

TTC said...

Saint John Paul II took decades to clean up the sexual predatory practices at seminaries. Heterosexual men who made the commitment to suffer through the disgusting sexual mating environment were few and far between. Some of them entered thinking they could stand it to receive Holy Orders and live out their vocation wound up leaving and they did not leave quietly. They raised a stink. Archdiocesan officials learned to see heterosexuals as potential whistleblowers and it became harder and harder for heterosexuals to get into seminaries.

This situation has only been reversed for a little more than a decade.

I had a terrible feeling the Pope Francis shtick was ushering it all back in and here we have the evidence.

TTC said...

Interestingly, I posted the following on Mrs. Schiffer's blog -and she took it down. There is some kind of cult of personality contest going on at Patheos that willingly disregards the interests of Christ's Church and spiritual safety.

Here is my removed comment:

The seminary has announced they are ordaining SSA men with active sexual pasts who are unable to control their libido when they see male flesh. It will eventually be coming to a parish near you where there are no tools to hide the eye candy. The revelation demonstrates gross negligence and is indefensible.

Further, I invite you to visit the website of the seminary:

They are attracted 'students' with athletic, commuter lounge facilities, grub and technology. There is zero on this page that would attract a man looking for support and tools that will support the Sacrament of Holy Orders. It is obviously run by horses backsides and is a situation in need of intervention.

Maria said...

It is the policy of the seminary to make every effort to provide an educational environment, as well as a work environment free from all forms of discriminatory practices, including sexual and other forms of illegal harassment. Such harassment will not be tolerated by the seminary.

This policy applies to the actions of all faculty, staff, students, visitors, and others who may provide services or do business with the seminary. All individuals who have contact with the seminary will be held to standards of conduct that ensure that the seminary is free from illegal harassment.

“Sexual harassment” refers to any unwelcome sexual attention, sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature when:

 submission to or rejection of such conduct or communication is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of the individual’s work or academic relationship with the seminary; or
 submission to or rejection of such conduct or communication is used as the basis for decisions affecting such individual’s work or academic relationship with the seminary; or
 such conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with such individual’s work or academic or work performance or has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating hostile or offensive work or academic environment.

Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to, threatening adverse action if sexual favors are not granted; promising preferential treatment in return for sexual favors; unwelcome sexual advances; unnecessary physical contact; offensive remarks, including unwelcome comments about appearance; obscene jokes or other inappropriate use of sexually explicit or offensive language and the display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures.

“Other forms of harassment” refers to any verbal or physical conduct or communication that shows hostility or aversion toward another because of his/her race, gender, national origin, or other legally protected status when such conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of:

 unreasonably interfering with or adversely affecting the individual’s work or academic performance; or
 creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work or academic environment. 25

Sacred Heart Major Seminary 2014-2015 Bulletin

Maria said...

It is the policy of the seminary to make every effort to provide an educational environment, as well as a work environment free from all forms of discriminatory practices, including sexual and other forms of illegal harassment. Such harassment will not be tolerated by the seminary.

This policy applies to the actions of all faculty, staff, students, visitors, and others who may provide services or do business with the seminary. All individuals who have contact with the seminary will be held to standards of conduct that ensure that the seminary is free from illegal harassment.

“Sexual harassment” refers to any unwelcome sexual attention, sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature when:

 submission to or rejection of such conduct or communication is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of the individual’s work or academic relationship with the seminary; or
 submission to or rejection of such conduct or communication is used as the basis for decisions affecting such individual’s work or academic relationship with the seminary; or
 such conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with such individual’s work or academic or work performance or has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating hostile or offensive work or academic environment.

Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to, threatening adverse action if sexual favors are not granted; promising preferential treatment in return for sexual favors; unwelcome sexual advances; unnecessary physical contact; offensive remarks, including unwelcome comments about appearance; obscene jokes or other inappropriate use of sexually explicit or offensive language and the display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures.

“Other forms of harassment” refers to any verbal or physical conduct or communication that shows hostility or aversion toward another because of his/her race, gender, national origin, or other legally protected status when such conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of:

 unreasonably interfering with or adversely affecting the individual’s work or academic performance; or
 creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work or academic environment. 25

Sacred Heart Major Seminary 2014-2015 Bulletin

Anonymous said...

I found their conference scheduled in August " Welcoming & Accompanying Our Brothers & Sisters with same sex attraction" particularly interesting, dug further on the speakers, Peter Herbeck, now his site advertises this as a Courage Conference, ok, put 2+2 together.
Michael should be thanked for bringing this to light!

TTC said...


Then they demonstrate their conviction and sincerity by loading foxes into the hen house!

So sick of the duplicity and more importantly, the stupidity.

It's not like they've never filled their seminaries with SSA men with histories of acting on it. They know what happens. Their new memo is affirms they anticipate

TTC said...

...the SSA seminarians holed up in all-male vocations and bunkers, to be tempted and fall to sin. Rather than doing the right thing, they are setting them loose and telling the rest of us to be accountable and protect ourselves from being the object of unrequited lust.

The guidelines and instructions were laid out by St. John Paul II. They are contradicting and violating the sane, sound, pastoral right-judgment.

it is really indefensible!

God Bless!!!

TTC said...

Maria - when I read the "policy" - you have to LOL when it is held up to their conduct.

Oh, they are very serious about sexual harassment, they are. Don't mind that guy we
have placed corner giving you the googly eyes in the shower. Just cover up and run back to your room.


Maria said...

“Welcoming and Accompanying Our Brothers and Sisters with Same-sex Attraction” is the title of the conference to be hosted by the Seminary August 10-12 because as we know the Roman Catholic church is so unwelcoming of sinners ;)

Maria said...

Anonymous: I saw the conference and also posted some thoughts. Instead of setting the course we follow the world into its pathological obsession with sodomy.

Carol: There is no corner of the church to which the corruption has not spread.

TTC said...

Maria, I know. I try not to be naive but I guess sometimes I am. I just can't believe everyone is not screaming "MY GOD HELP US!!! THERE THEY GO DOING IT AGAIN!!!"

TTC said...

This has to be the dumbest thing I have ever observed in Christendom. And that is saying a lot.

They send out a memo admitting their knowledge they are making a big booboo by putting the kids in the candy store and everybody better wear a burka in the shower.

Then there the woman over at patheos reducing the controversy into a wordsmyth between gay and SSA.

Is this a dream? Please. Tell me I am dreaming!

M. Prodigal said...

Letters to the Archbishop are appropriate here and to the 4 auxiliaries:

Contact Information:
Communications Department
12 State Street
Detroit, MI 48226-1823
ph. 313-237-5943

The rector should be removed and the seminarians seriously screened again. If any rector or bishop knowingly allows a sodomite to be ordained and they, in time, act out their perversion both the sodomite, the rector, and the bishop deserve jail time for CRIME, not to mention grave sin.

Anonymous said...

What is it with the Pantheos crowd?

Anonymous said...

Prodigal, you've got to be kidding. No one is going to be removed. If they were teaching from the Catechism of the Council of Trent, they'd be out the door so fast sparks would ignite the place. But, not for this. Or any other atrocious blasphemy and sacrilege.

Maria said...

You are in good company. Fr Hardon frequently asked, in response to what he heard or read: am I dreaming, is this real? lol But, oh, it is real. No matter now inured I may be to what has become a cesspool of immorality in the church, I still find myself having to re-read articles. I read them and say to myself: no, I did not just read this. But, yes, i did ;).

Damask Rose said...

If I hadn't have clicked on the Patheos link provided, I would have thought this post was a complete wind-up. No kidding. I had no idea this filth was still going on.

"The formator did not use the term “gay,” but rather “same-sex attracted.”" [Wow, what useless detail. Unless you're gay of course. I gather they are very into 'what' they are called these days.]

"He asked men to wear bathrobes to the shower for the sake of decorum and charity. As an example of potential uncharity he said, “What if unknowingly one of your brothers suffered from SSA? Your lack of modesty would be uncharitable considering your neighbor’s needs.”"[GAWD, FLIPPIN' HECK. I can't believe what I have just read. "...your neighbor's needs". Okaaay. So, have they got female staff at this seminary. You never know, the hetero-seminarians might want a 'quickie'. I know, lets put all the hetero-men and women in burquas, that way no-one will get tempted.

"The men understood this completely."[Yah, I bet they did, in so many different ways...]

I can't believe how ignorant this seminary is of the basic Catholic interior spiritual life. It's not what someone else does, each of us is responsible for his/her own soul. There's the examination of conscience and so forth. Whatever happened to the 'avoidance of the occasion of sin'? Does this seminary know what this is anymore? What are gay men doing being trained for an all-male profession? Okay, some ex-gays are exactly that, through the grace of God. And these gay priests are going to minister to hetero-families are they? What has my husband, for instance, got in common with a gay priest?

The notion that the straight seminarians have to cover up is feminising them and further victimising them. It's like the police or a judge saying to a girl that because she wore a short skirt, it's her fault she got raped. At the same time they are empowering the predator, who clearly doesn't seem to have to work on his spiritual life at all.

I thought this gay garbage was over in the seminaries. What is becoming of the Church?

Damask Rose said...

Dear Maria

That conference title should read:

“Exorcising and Delivering Our Brothers and Sisters with Same-sex Attraction”

Maria said...

Message of Our Mother In the village of Garabandal-- The Angel said:

"Because My Message of October 18 was not carried out and made known, I will tell you that this is the last one.
Before the Cup was full; now it is overflowing. Priests, Bishops, and Cardinals are on the path to perdition and they are taking many souls with them. Less and less importance is being given to the Eucharist. We must ward off the wrath of God with our efforts. If you ask forgiveness sincerely with all your soul, He will forgive you. I, your Mother, through the intercession of the Archangel Michael, want to tell you that these are the last warnings. I love you very much and do not want your condemnation.
Pray to Us sincerely and We will give you what you ask. You must offer more sacrifices. Think of the Passion of Jesus.”

TTC said...

Damask, It was gone in all but a few places. I don't know if it was weeded out completely in Detroit. It would be interesting to take an inventory there. if it was cleaned up when others were, it is back now.

Take a look at this macabe photo of the student body:

Anonymous said...

Ah, what next, Obama preaching to the Africans to accept Gay rights? Of wait, he just did that.

Come Lord Jesus Come! These are the days the Saints wanted to live, well come on down we could really use your help
rifght now.

Anonymous said...

Kathy Schiffer is one of the worst Patheos bloggers, and you know that's a real indictment given the low level of their blogs. (Just view Simcha Fisher's "I Have to Sit Down" with the ugly fat fertility goddess symbol.)

Remember that Kathy is a "professional Catholic" on the payroll of Catholic organizations. She worked for Guest House, which treats religious and priest with addictions "and other behavioral" problems (not specified what the other are).

A few days after the "New York Times" revealed in May 2013 that Cardinal Dolan's Archdiocese was paying for the ABORTIONS AND CONTRACEPTIVES of Archdiocese of New York employess in Union 1199 (this still continues), Schiffer defended him in a widely reprinted post: "Cardinal Dolan, Forced to Provide Contraceptive Coverage, Sins Not" (

More details about this scandal can be found at and at

Based on her dismal record, we should not be surprised that she attacks the admirable and faithful Michael Voris, who is in touch with reality.

This bunny, always happy to visit your blog for rabbits, sadly shakes her her long bunny ears at the sad state of the US Church, where the idiocy of Sacred Heart Seminary and of useful idiot Schiffer are increasingly the norm.

Damask Rose said...

"Remember that Kathy is a "professional Catholic" on the payroll of Catholic organizations."

Ain't it just always the way.

"She worked for Guest House, which treats religious and priest with addictions "and other behavioral" problems (not specified what the other are)."

You just gotta feel sorry for priests. God help 'em.

Anonymous said...

In the Diocese of Joliet, there are almost 40 seminarians. Several years ago, then-Bishop Sartain had halted sending any seminarians to Mundelein (technically in the Chicago Archdiocese). Father Barron became rector and the situation began to improve quickly. Father Burt Masters of Joliet has done an amazing job recruiting young men to consider the priesthood; not surprisingly the young men being ordained are very orthodox and absolutely in love with their vocation

The departure of Father Barron leaves me greatly saddened for one reason. Bishop Blaise Cupich.

I'm afraid they're going back to the days of, "work hard, keep your head down, and shut up." That will empty a seminary quicker of all but the heartiest soldiers. The days of the Pink Palace are ripe for a comebak...

Православный физик said...

Here we go again, God have mercy.