Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Interesting Vortex on a Pope

Popes can be wrong.

This is very, very good, actually, right up until the close when he suggests immoral and corrupt conduct from the Chair of Peter should not be surprising and it should not be spoken about in the public square.


One other observation - a misunderstanding that is repeated in Christendom, ad nauseum.

Not every word that falls from the lips of a Pope is full of Grace. It's not Catholic to hang on every utterance of the Pope as though it were divinely inspired...Plane interviews have zero magisterial weight - etc.

The raising of concerns isn't a blood sport of blogosphere that needs to cease and desist because what the Pope says isn't changing doctrine.

The damage the Pope is doing is inside of our homes in our family, friends and people we love or care about.

This is about thirty or forty years of catechesis, in the face of bad priests, catechists, and everyone around us telling us, when we try to say, don't move in with your girlfriend, don't use contraception, homosexuals need to practice abstinence, etc., Oh please - Even the Pope said you can do it.

Nobody gives a flying fig about 'THE MEDIA' saying "the pope said we could..", we are apoplectic because that is what we are hearing from the mouths of our children, relatives, friends.

In three years, he has turned the Deposit of Faith into a farce.

He's made it nearly impossible for Catholics to uphold the truth IN OUR FAMILY, WITH OUR CHILDREN, RELATIVES, FRIENDS.

This is a far more serious assault upon our family than the handful of pedophiles let loose.

The chances we are going to let it slide every time the Holy Father opens his mouth and contradicts Church teaching are zero.

Look, a local priest and bishop spoonfeeding Mapplethorpe and Gloria Steinham into our families is 'not changing Church teaching' is it.

What they are doing, is the same thing the Holy Father is doing - he's aimed for 'changing' the moral compass guiding the intellect and soul. The reasons why we speak when the Holy Father is doing it, are the same reasons Church Militant has built an apostolate to speak about when priests and bishops do it.

It's entirely about what the people we love are saying after consuming the koolaid. It's got to be stopped.

I am so glad so many Catholics are speaking out about the latest mortal wound inflicted upon Humanae Vitae.

We are going to get louder.


Anonymous said...

Mikey Voris may say:

Not every word that falls from the lips of a Pope is full of Grace. It's not Catholic to hang on every utterance of the Pope as though it were divinely inspired...Plane interviews have zero magisterial weight - etc.

Nonetheless, FrankenPope himself has said:

I wrote an encyclical—true enough, it was by four hands [with Benedict XVI]—and an apostolic exhortation. I’m constantly making statements, giving homilies. That’s magisterium.

Or, to put it in doggerel verse:

I am the Pope of this body ecclesial
And anything I write or say is magisterial.

Michael Dowd said...

Thanks Carol very good. Good to see Michael Voris can no longer resist speaking out about the fallibility of some of our Popes.

I was banned forever from his web site for saying the same thing several months ago. It is my understanding that Michael is under the guidance (controlled)by some Opus Dei folks who swear allegiance or have a special relationship with the Pope so I wonder if Opus Dei has changed or, perhaps, Michael may no longer be guided by them.

Whatever it is congrats to Michael. Hope he continues to see the Light.

Anonymous said...

So it appears that the Vicar of Christ is capable of leading Catholics astray? I was taught we could trust the pope to not lead us astray in faith and morals.

M. Prodigal said...

The barque of Peter 'appears' to be rudderless.

religious artist said...

A thousand thanks for your clarity.