Thursday, April 7, 2016

Fr. Z thinks we have dodged a bullet in The Joy of Sex!

Good reading, though it still sounds like there is a sentence or two that can be taken out of context to grant the Jesuits and diocesan wingnuts license to continue to pastorally lead into temptation and sin.

I could be reading into this but it even sounds like the Holy Father has heard and responded to our pleas:

Tomorrow I will watch with interest how certain unnamed liberal writers (go look at the National Schismatic Reporter) who have built up the importance of Amoris laetitia as if it were the new iteration of the … I don’t even know what, because they don’t adhere to truly important magisterial documents … will do when they actually read the thing.

No wait… they won’t read the whole thing. They will ignore 90.3077% of it (I picked that percentage for a reason).

They are not going to like some bits at all. Thus, they will ignore those bits.

Also, some on the other end of the spectrum, the more traditional and conservative side, will not be able to indulge fully in their descent into grand mal Schadenfreude. There are some good bits in it.

No… wait … what am I saying?!? Yes, they will.

Though he does issue this warning:

Try not to freak out when you reach the end.

Tomorrow could actually turn out be a great day for unity in Christ's Church.

Incidentally, we have really learned of the presence of some magnificent priests and bishops during this nightmare - including this one in Germany!

The Cardinal says: “It is the Church’s magisterial teaching (Dogma) that a validly contracted and consummated marriage cannot be dissolved by any power of the world – also not by the Church herself.” Brandmüller reminds the readers that this teaching has been re-affirmed by both the Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio (1981) by Pope John Paul II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1997).

Brandmüller clearly says that he “who, in spite of an existing marriage bond, enters after a divorce into a new civil union, is committing adultery” and that – as long as that person “is not willing to put an end this situation” – he “cannot receive either absolution in Confession nor the Eucharist (Holy Communion).” Any other path, the cardinal insists, would be “bound to fail” due to “its inherent untruthfulness.” He continues: “This is valid also with regard to the attempt to integrate into the Church those who live in an invalid ‘second marriage’ by admitting them to liturgical, catechetical and other functions.” This path, in his eyes, would lead to “conflicts,” “embarrassments,” and an “undermining of the Church’s sacred proclamation.”

The Cardinal continues by saying that such newly attempted proposals “reveal themselves as attempts – with the help of ‘salami tactics’ – to finally admit these couples to the Sacraments.” He adds: “The ‘way out’, in order to allow exceptions, is an impasse. What is fundamentally impossible for reasons of Faith, is also impossible in the individual case.”

The German cardinal concludes his statement with the important sentence: “The post-synodal document, Amoris Laetitia, is therefore to be interpreted in light of the above-presented principles, especially since a contradiction between a papal document and the Catechism of the Catholic Church would not be imaginable.”

This is so good I read it several times to give my soul several meals of solid food!

It's the kind of stuff practicing Catholics turn to instead of booze!


Michael Dowd said...

Thanks Carol. It is good to have an uplifting moment. Hopefully, it will last.

Left-footer said...

This sounds good, though I do not like the imprecise language in places (in the leaked version on the internet).

Left-footer said...

Maybe you should ignore my previous comment. Lifesite News has this to say:

Though the entire thrust of Chapter 8 is making the case for a deeper “integration” of those in “irregular unions” into the life of the Church, in the main body of the text the pope leaves the meaning of the phrase more or less ambiguous. However, he provides a clear answer at the end of a footnote to paragraph 305, where he states that this “integration” can, “in certain cases,” involve admittance to the sacraments, including the Eucharist.

TTC said...

Chris, yeah, I am mystified as to what bullet Fr. Z thinks we dodged. The Pope has shot a canon into our homes and family.

Michael Dowd said...

TTC is right about the cannon business. Pope Francis is really the Anti-marriage Pope. All of his official actions will lead to more divorces and co-habitation. He has made annulments free and easy and frankly unnecessary for those in 'irregular situations'. This is Mercy?? On who? This is the kind of 'mercy' that puts folks on the road to hell.