Monday, September 18, 2017

Bishop McElroy calls Fr. James Martin's Critics "enemies of the pope".

Here's something else to put on our list of things practicing Catholics no longer tolerate:

Every time a priest, bishop or Cardinal starts teaching homosexuals to abandon confession, absolution and celibacy and embrace a life of living in a perpetual state of mortal sin, when we expose their spiritual homicide of immortal souls, they pretend the whistleblowers are 'motivated' by wanting gays excluded from the pews.

If they are looking for reasons homosexuals are convinced they are unloved by Christ and His Church, they need look no further than their own destructive, maniacal lies.

Bishop McElroy is the latest poster boy for this bad behavior.

The concerted attack on Father Martin’s work has been driven by three impulses: homophobia, a distortion of fundamental Catholic moral theology and a veiled attack on Pope Francis and his campaign against judgmentalism in the church.

That very statement convicts Bishop McElroy of "judgmentalism", does it not?

Let me take a crack at this one:

Dear Bishop McElroy:

The 'concerted attack' on Fr. Martin is driven by three impulses: Every time Fr. Martin or the Holy Father (and their ilk) open their mouths, somebody we know or love digs themselves further into their mortal sin; we've watched relatives who believe them dying in a state of mortal sin for the last 50 years; and, we are finished letting you get away with it.

Permit me to illustrate the heresy you teach in your own deceptive screed:

The second corrosive impulse of the campaign against Building a Bridge flows from a distortion of Catholic moral theology. The goal of the Catholic moral life is to pattern our lives after that of Jesus Christ. We must model our interior and exterior selves on the virtues of faith, love, hope, mercy, compassion, integrity, sacrifice, prayerfulness, humility, prudence and more. One of these virtues is chastity. Chastity is a very important virtue of the Christian moral life. The disciple is obligated to confine genital sexual activity to marriage.

But chastity is not the central virtue in the Christian moral life. Our central call is to love the Lord our God with all our heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Many times, our discussions in the life of the church suggest that chastity has a singularly powerful role in determining our moral character or our relationship with God. It does not.

Here, you attempt to convince lucid Catholics that unrepentant, unabsolved mortal sins relating to fornication and sodomy do not obstruct salvation, because mortal sins are subordinate to prudence, compassion, integrity, etc.

You no doubt will score some brownie points with the Holy Father and the Romans, as they are gaga for this insufferable hogwash, but the glory days of trying to sell this, uncontested, to the people we love are behind you.

If you'd like to understand what motivates us, blow the dust off of your breviary and read these readings.

God help the uncatechized people of San Diego. A liar has been appointed over the see.


Mothers, Fathers, Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles of the people you've trying to drag into your rabbit hole.

p.s. Like everything else, you've got this backwards: We are not the enemies of the pope. The pope named us as his enemies and is waging his war of propaganda upon us. He no doubt is surprised the cowards who sat on the sidelines and said nothing when the priest did it, and the bishops did it, and the cardinals did it, for the last 50 years, are now pointing out the spiritual homicides of their counterfeit defacto schism. What we are doing now is too little/too late but better late than never. Worthy is the Lamb.


Anonymous said...

The Lobby gay defending to themselves.

Anonymous said...

The sect of sodomite apostate priests are attacking the Catholic Church moral doctrine and defending themselves

Ultraliberal homosexualist Robert McElroy


Anonymous said...

I have ONE Question, is Hell a myth?

TTC said...

Nah. Bishop McElroy is giving us a glimpse into his world of diabolical disorientation. The blindness of spiritual insanity is a mystery to the awake, alert and oriented. He's as mad as a hatter from the compounding mortal sins he is foisting upon Christ's people.

TLM said...

Anonymous......'is Hell a myth?' Sadly, they think it is, and that includes Bergoglio. I guess they didn't get Padre Pio's memo: "You'll believe in Hell when you get there." It seems to me they think this 'Catholic' stuff is a bunch of nonsense.

On another note: Fr. Z had an interesting article today about the 'bullying' of faithful Catholics via the modernists. I dare say he has a point, stating that the liberal wing of the Church is scared to death because true Catholics are giving them a run for their money. A little encouragement for the day:)

susan said...

I find it astonishing that idiots like this can actually pit the virtue of Chastity AGAINST Love.....what a bafoon. That's like pitting one's eye against their own body.

Fr. VF said...

In his famous America article attacking Cardinal Burke for defending Canon 915, McElroy said that abortionist Democrats must be given Communion, to prevent the bishops' being perceived as tools of the Republicans.

That's right. He said that Canon 915 must be disobeyed if the would-be communicant is a Democrat.

That's how trashy and perverted this bishop's mind is.

Fr. VF said...

In his famous America article attacking Cardinal Burke for defending Canon 915, McElroy said that abortionist Democrats must be given Communion, to prevent the bishops' being perceived as tools of the Republicans.

That's right. He said that Canon 915 must be disobeyed if the would-be communicant is a Democrat.

That's how trashy and perverted this bishop's mind is.

Anonymous said...

Proud to be a Deplorable for Christ!

TLM said...

Fr. VF.......'McElroy said'..........etc. Does this now show people where the focus is with these dissenting clerics? Absolutely not on 'preserving the faith' much less 'saving souls', but they are obviously just another 'arm' of the Democrat Party. They're more or less just 'political animals' putting on the facade of Catholic Churchmen. Pretty much imposters. Everyone knows we have certain outlets that promote 'fake news', and now we have 'fake prelates'. Guess the 'fakeness' is contagious. I often wonder just how some of these men were ordained in the first place?? They aren't worthy to wear a Roman Collar.

Anonymous said...

Why? For the free ride and gay lifestyle! Not for God & His Church. Back in the 70's it was a joke (now true) that most men who entered the seminary were gay. Check out when just these two men were ordained, Martin in 1999 and McElroy in 1980. The only way to rid them is prayer and NOT keeping quiet. The World along with this church is trying to squelch our Freedom of Speech, to some extent it's working because no one wants to come out in Public & denounce them, WWJD?