Friday, April 13, 2018

There is no equality going on here.

Well, after spending days deliberately finding things to do other than read the latest apostolic exhortation, I have a confession: reading theological drivel to me feels like wading into a cesspool.

I just can't do it.

I've read several synopses, including this one, this one and this chestnut.

These were my favorites: Fr. Z and Carl Olson

Several themes jump out at me:

1. The Gospel doesn't constrict us from ways of acting that lead us to commit mortal sins.

2. Using the Magisterium to guide your choices is a subtle form of Pelagianism.

3. Believing the purpose of the Incarnation, Death and Sacrifice of God was to leave us the rules to guide our conduct and the properties of Divinity in the Eucharist that enlighten the intellect and endows us with the tools to resist temptation and sin, is Gnosticism.

4. Voting for politicians who violate constitutional, moral and divine laws to enable criminal trespass, admitting terrorists to our country to rob us of jobs, money, benefits and life,is equally as important as voting for politicians who will save lives of children and the salvation of the soul of their mother.

5. Still no mention of hell.

6. When their narcissism, irreverence and unfaithfulness overcome the sacredness, mysticism and prayers of the Liturgy, they are not the problem.

7. Blogs that report the effects of the carelessness of the Holy Father’s spontaneous articulation of theology, his praise of heresy and use of heretics and atheists to interpret Church teaching, are the problem.

I could go on, but I will leave you with this thought:

I agree with the Holy Father here:

"Equally sacred, however, are the lives of the poor, those already born, the destitute, the abandoned and the underprivileged, the vulnerable infirm and elderly exposed to covert euthanasia, the victims of human trafficking, new forms of slavery, and every form of rejection.”

But the real problem is - they do not teach these things 'equally'. They've silenced and robbed three generations of moral theology, the Magnificat and the sanctity of human life in the womb. The Holy Father came the United States, stood in front of the people who enact laws and did not mention the injustice of laws that kill children deprive mothers of salvation.

With the exception of trying to discourage the defense of the unborn, in the five years of confusing claptrapping of this pontificate ad nauseum, I do not recall the Holy Father speaking of the moral theology or the sanctity of human life ONCE. And that's right on target with the last 60 years.

So there is no equality going on here.

Another apostolic exhortation complaining about victims of spiritual harm caused by their own misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance is not getting us where we need to be.

Oh God, shepherd and ruler of all the faithful, look with favor on your servant Pope Francis, whom you have appointed pastor of your Church. Grant that by word and example he may assist those over whom he is placed, so that shepherd and flock may together attain everlasting life. Through our Lord.


Anonymous said...

"But the real problem is - they do not teach these things 'equally'. They've silenced and robbed three generations of moral theology, the Magnificat and the sanctity of human life in the womb. The Holy Father came the United States, stood in front of the people who enact laws and did not mention the injustice of laws that kill children deprive mothers of salvation.

With the exception of trying to discourage the defense of the unborn, in the five years of confusing claptrapping of this pontificate ad nauseum, I do not recall the Holy Father speaking of the moral theology or the sanctity of human life ONCE. And that's right on target with the last 60 years. "


Thank you for stating, in clear(!!) language, unlike the men who reside in
Boston and the Vatican, what is obvious to all men: We are lead by fools!

Dr. T.T.Coals said...

If I may ask for support, please go to the Catholic Truth Scotland blog to join in condemning the outrageous new BBC video blaspheming the Holy Eucharist:

Michael Dowd said...

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS--headline options.

