Friday, December 19, 2008

Bishop Kieran Conry is a very sick man

Sin wears itself in the public square in the utterings of Bishop Kieran Conry, a victim of spiritual insanity.

Check this out:

1. The Church's teaching on birth control "could be wrong" and is not infallible. Asked if Humanae Vitae was a mistake, he says: "I don't know."

As Christ said, you do not know or understand because you are perishing. Your cerebellum has turned to stone from your defiance and any seeds of spiritual understanding bounce off your head and fall to the ground as waste.

I must say, this one was my favorite -this priest does not give a rat's patoot about the souls who are perishing under his watch, he is interested in "saving the planet":

2. "You can't talk to young people about salvation," says the bishop, because that concept means nothing to them. Instead, talk in their language - for example, about saving the planet.

Then, there's this shameless revelation about his devotion to the Sacrament of Penance:

3. Asked if frequent confession is a a good idea, he replies: "No, because my own experience when we had Confession every day at St Chad's Cathedral in Birmingham was that regular penitents came back with exactly the same words week after week. So there you would say, actually, there is no conversion taking place."

I'm always amazed at priests who look into the faces of their congregation, knowing they have withheld defining sinful behavior and as a result, have no beaten path in their Confessionals.

If we are in there confessing it, we know it's wrong, we have not lost our sense of Truth and we are still on the road to conversion. So long as we are obtaining Grace to struggle against the sin, we are safe from damnation. St. Paul revealed he struggled for 70 years against a particular sin before he mastered the temptation. The more we are in there, the more our conversions are taking place.

It's the people whom he never sees in the Confession for whom conversion is not taking place. No conversion, no salvation. He thinks Christ will save him when he has let an entire diocese go to pot? The most painful experiences in hell await the ordained who are derelict in their duties.

There is a comment from the author that this Bishop is a "decent and compassionate man". However, I take exception to the definition of "compassion". Any family member, friend, superior, priest who would knowingly permit me to delude myself I would hardly describe as compassionate. Compassionate people do not let their children starve to death. Sick people do. This man is sick. Spiritually sick.

What a tragedy that his colleagues and his superior would let him circle gates of hell and permit his entire diocese to go down with him. Not to mention letting him make an ass of himself.

If you are a priest reading (and I know more than a handful drop in) know this: For every face you look into from your position at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass whom you have never seen in the Confessional - whose sins are not being forgiven... from now until somebody shovels the first spoon of dirt on your grave, you are the responsible party.

It's one thing to mention sins in your homilies and know you have given them the tools to examine their conscience and they defy that guidance. You are not accountable for their long stay in Gehenna. But if you are talking about saving the planet or whether the war is just or unjust when every one of the women sitting in your pew is using contraception, has had an abortion, is being promiscuous outside of marriage and you have not addressed the sinfulness of those behaviors in your homilies - you will not see Paradise. Even if you are feeding and clothing the poor and doing it Christ's Name thinking this is sufficient for own salvation. It is not. In fact the Bible is clear. If you tell them, they will be held accountable. If you you do not tell them, they will be set free from their eternal punishment and you will serve their punishment.

Christ forgives as many times as we repent of a sin, so long as we repent. Nobody will ever repent if you've withheld knowledge from them on what to repent for. As a priest, for this malfeasance, you will eternally suffer.

God help us.

I'll leave you with the words of a commenter:

Stand up and fight. The great only appear great because we are on our knees. This is grossly unacceptable conduct on KC's part. According to a speech given by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican Secretary of State, at a congress on the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Rome, last week, human rights "cannot be considered as containers that according to particular historical, cultural and political moments, are filled with different meanings and elements." Their common roots, he said, are found in natural law which, as Pope Benedict XVI said in his speech at the U.N., "is written on the heart of man."

The cardinal also explained that defending "fundamental rights" such as life, the family, education and religious freedom, "means not confusing them with simple and often limited contingent needs. Moreover once they are recognized and enshrined into eventual conventions, human rights always need to be defended." In modern society abortion can easily be regarded as birth control. Without the right to life, what other human rights matter?


Anonymous said...

I am thre same age as this fool. Grew up in the UK prabably without a doubt in the same catholic School system. We had the best catechism in the world far better than the Baltimore. The Woman, the Sister who taught me Sister Joseph of the Sisters of St Vincent de Paul would have literally smacked me silly today if wrote such drivel as this fool (in the scriptural sense) wrote and even which is harder to believe put it in print. He is for many the alter ego of Christ and Christ has to answer to His Father for every soul lost. This driven foolish hierarch had better check his calendar and hope that three score and ten has not come around for him. Christ the Just Judge is waiting and God will surely punish such a fool severely.

Anonymous said...

Each of his lapses from theological orthodoxy should be reported to Cardinal Battista Re of the Sacred Congregation for Bishops.
The secular scandals amongst his diocesan clergy should be reported to the Papal Nuncio (and the media).