Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Passion of the Kmiec -(Venite Adoramus was a song about him)

Jay Anderson has an update on what he accurately calls the passion of the Kmiec. He claims to be in the running to be Obama's Vatican Ambassador.

"At the appropriate time, when diplomatic relations through the State Department need to be addressed, I think my name would be part of the discussion."

Kmiec, of course, thought Fr. Neuhaus's death was all about him, so while there is a possibility he is misreading the writing on the wall, I think Obama's good old boy network will reward him.

Jay linked some good comments which memorialize Kmiec's "popularity" among Catholics of good will.

Of course he would think that. Everything is always about him. The question is is Pres Obama stupid enough to appoint him?

Prior to Obama's reversal on the Mexico City Policy I had a conversation with some work colleagues yesterday who are Obama fans. "Leading off his Presidency with an abortion issue would be stupid and Obama is not stupid.", my friend remarked.

Kmiec's writings betray the narcissistic trait of turning everything that happens into something about him. So, yeah, I think Kmiec misquoted the teachings of the Church not so much as a favor to Obama (and was certainly the antithesis of a service to Christ's Church), but to get something out of it for himself because that is what narcissists do. That's their shtick.

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