In the ongoing battle against gog and magog, as expected, the Democrats are taking away the abortion "conscience clause" and ultimately the rights to the livelihoods of Catholic doctors, nurses, pharmacists.
What does it all mean?
It means with respect to killing another human being, if your conscience works, you've got to leave your job. If you're in medical school, you've got to switch majors. Gone will be the days when faithful Catholics can work in healthcare.
Of course, Mitt Romney did this in Massachusetts years ago.
Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom previously said the governor supports exempting Catholic and private hospitals because it "respects the views of health care facilities that are guided by moral principles on this issue."
Romney, having moral principles guided by political expediency, sold the constitutional freedoms of Catholics when the rogue anti-Catholic Massachusetts legislature pushed back.
"On that basis I have instructed the Department of Public Health to follow the conclusion of my own legal counsel and to adopt that sounder view," Romney said, according to an AP report.Not only did the Catholic Bishops go along with it - attorney general Tom Reilly, who said this:
The new law will go into effect on December 14 and Attorney General Tom Reilly, a Democrat who is running for governor next year, said he would make sure it's strongly enforced against all hospitals.
- the Massachusetts Bishops hired to marshal from within.
Tom Reilly is right in place to to make sure Obama, Pelosi, Sebelius, Kmiec, Catholics United and the rest of Magog's chain gang carry out the orders in Massachusetts.
Catholic League president Bill Donohue discussed the ramifications of this action:
“This regulation gives health care workers the right to be free from discriminatory edicts invoked by those who have no respect for their conscience rights. No one in the health care field should ever be compelled by law to perform or assist in a procedure that violates his or her conscience. This should be an elementary right, yet there are those who want to trespass on it.
“This would be another step in the wrong direction for an administration which is promoting abortion by overturning the Mexico City Policy, promising to support the United Nations Population Fund and considering the nomination of radical abortion rights supporter Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to be the Secretary of HHS. This action would be the most offensive since it compromises the rights of Catholics to act according to their conscience.
Sadly, the victims of the emnity of all that is sanctified and holy have no idea Who and What they fight against.
Good luck to them!
You failed to point out that Romney VETOED the bill that required Catholic hospitals to dispense emergency contraception. Romney's veto was OVERRIDDEN by the Legislature, and so despite his personal views, he had to enforce the law as it was written.
The law isn't written to enforce Catholic Hospitals to do abortions, give out abortifacients because that is a constitutional violation. The laws are written to protect Catholic institutions from killing people. The interpretation was completely Romney's.
Further, Romney spent his tenure supporting the abortion lobby, fighting against families who wanted their children to be exempted, as required by law, from being told the tenets of their religion are forbidden thoughts.
You could not possibly have been involved in legislative battles as a Catholic during Romney's tenure or you would know his authentic principles.
The fact is, the law that you are criticizing Romney for implementing was vetoed by him, but the veto was overridden. Romney understands his duty as governor is to enforce the law, even though he may disagree with it. The fact that you are critical about his interpretation of the law misses the rather larger point that he VETOED the bill that is the cause of your quibbling.
As far as Romney's views on abortion, he was hardly the pro-choice champion as a candidate for governor that you make him out to be. As a candidate, he supported parental notification, opposed partial birth abortion and told reporters he didn't want to be called "pro-choice." He said he was personally opposed to abortion, but that he wouldn't change the law. That made him effectively "pro-choice."
His full embrace of the prolife position midway through his term was welcomed by Mass Citizens for Life and other prolife organizations. And of course, his promise not to change the abortion laws meant he was constantly battling the Legislature, which was overwhelmingly in support of abortion. During Romney's term, we saw him fight attempts to change the definition of life as beginning at conception, he vetoed an embryonic cloning bill, and he vetoed the emergency contraception bill.
When the Supreme Judicial Court's gay marriage ruling forced Catholic Charities out of the adoption business, Romney filed a bill to carve out a religious exemption so they could continue to place children in homes with a mom and a dad.
Romney was a good governor for a lot of reasons - his fiscal conservatism, his opposition to the insider culture up at the State House, and perhaps most importantly, his steadfast support of traditional values, which is sorely missed now.
No, there was law and there is law that prohibits enforcing Catholic Hospitals. Just because you say it is law, doesn't make it so. Romney pretended Catholics did not have legal protections to help get through his agenda. Any one on one regarding our agenda, you knew he was against protecting innocence, unborn and religious rights. These are facts.
You like the guy because of your portfolio. It's about money and you thought people would be ignorant and stupid enough to follow the expedient. You were wrong.
Again, you could not possibly have been hands on trying to get pro-life, abstinence education, fighting against Planned Parenthood and the rabid Massachusetts Legislature.
p.s. Several prolife attorneys brought the laws to him personally. A few Bishops even made personal visits to ask him to enforce the the laws that protect Catholics. Romney refused - even though attorneys on his own staff had to acknowledge Romney was wrong.
You either don't know what you are talking about or you are counting on people reading to be ignorant about laws and grassroots activism during Romney's tenure. Either way, Romney's political aspirations for the White House are over.
Instead of closing the hospitals, the Bishops surrendered Catholic legal protections. The good news is, Caritas Christi is now a cancer eating away at the only thing they care about - their money. It will continue to curse them until they amputate.
God will not be mocked.
pps - You are trying to portray the law as if there are no laws protecting Catholic Hospitals from being forced to do abortions - - and the implied absurdity that Planned Parenthood isn't capitalizing on our refusals to be compelled to comply with Roe v. Wade.
You know that is silly. Catholic Hospitals cannot be forced to perform abortions because there is law protecting us from that enforcement.
Spin it any way you will - but I'm here to tell you when Romney makes things up in his head, we circulated the truth. You can fool some of the people some of the time but most of our people are in a state of grace and the games you played, played themselves out.
Gee, I was looking forward to Anonymous' reply but I guess the Romney people are still trying to come up with talking points to counter.
Pay for all the people you want to go down and pull straws for Romney at CPAC. At the end of the day,Romney interprets Massachusetts statues and Constitutional law as having no protections from the enforcement of the Massachusetts Legislature to make Catholic Hospitals perform abortions.
Because either the protections exist or they don't. Romney says they don't but we all know, they do. Yet, there wasn't a single Catholic lawyer in Massachusetts with a spine, nor was there one nationally. Red Mass, schmed mass.
All you wealthy folks with your portfolios crashing - you'll sell the Catholic Church and all it's physicians, nurses and pharmacists to the devil in a heartbeat. The problem is, the grassroots is not going to go along with it.
Most people in the prolife hierarchy initially bedazzled by the Romney phony talking points who act in good faith, got off the ship.
Who needs a President who interprets law this way? it's as rabid as it gets.
Good luck recycling him for 2012, because this you can take to the bank: four more years of Obama. By then, your coffers will be gonzo.
"As a candidate, he supported parental notification, opposed partial birth abortion and told reporters he didn't want to be called "pro-choice."
He was prochoice before he was prolife, then he became prochoice again and now he's prolife.
In fact, every time he's a candidate, he taps into the pulse of what he'd like to be called.
Light dawns on marblehead. Romney doesn't think there is anything stopping the abortion lobbyists from forcing Catholic hospitals to perform abortions.
That is breathtaking.
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