Occasionally, a cause to advance a common good attracts an individual who taps into the energy because they can utilize it to create a rollercoaster of drama and emotions. These individuals have been scarred by life in one way or another. They've run out of relatives, jobs, friends and enemies to get the rollercoaster going and so they find a cause. They're fired up, but any in-depth conversation with them and you realize their theology and philosphy about your cause and other things in life are way off the mark. The people who come around to tap into the stream manifests itself in a lot of ways. I've had these poor souls come onto my radar screen in all kinds of roles. This is what makes the Eric McFaddens so dangerous. They can snap at any moment and are unpredictable. We have them in our prolife community. A seasoned activist can recognize the dynamic when it shows up on the radar screen.
Nobody prolife would kill somebody else. It's the antithesis of our breed. It's unheard of, impossible. To compare the person who killed George Tiller to prolifers is like comparing a mother who kills her own children to your own mother. It is against our every human instinct to kill.
Taking the life of persons who kill other people gravely compounds a murder because you take away the possibility of a future conversion and repentance. This is why Catholics oppose a death sentence, except in very limited circumstances. Taking it upon ourselves to end the life of a person takes away that person's opportunity for salvation.
People working to advance the prolife cause, motivated by concerns about souls and salvation do not take the life of another person.
Fr. Pavone's statement:
“I am saddened to hear of the killing of George Tiller this morning. At this point, we do not know the motives of this act, or who is behind it, whether an angry post-abortive man or woman, or a misguided activist, or an enemy within the abortion industry, or a political enemy frustrated with the way Tiller has escaped prosecution. We should not jump to conclusions or rush to judgment.
“But whatever the motives, we at Priests for Life continue to insist on a culture in which violence is never seen as the solution to any problem. Every life has to be protected, without regard to their age or views or actions.”
More information about Tiller's killer from LifeNews.
In 1996, officials in Kansas apparently stopped his vehicle for not having a valid license plate, which he altered as an act of anti-governmental protest. His license plate apparently had slogans such as "Private Property, Immunity Declared at Law, Non-Commercial American."
According to the Kansas City Star, the FBI suspected Roeder of having ties with the Montana Freemen, a militia group, which had had standoffs with authorities.
The Star indicates that, after he was apprehended on an interstate highway in the prior incident, a search of his vehicle resulted in obtaining bombmaking material, including gunpowder and two six-volt lantern batteries.
In his home, authorities found a two-page bombmaking instruction manual.
Roeder has spent time in prison, including a 16-month stint after violating the terms of his parole related to the license plate incident.
Roeder's only ties to pro-life groups appear to be messages he left on the public forum at the Operation Rescue web site concerning Tiller.
In one, he wrote about monitoring Tiller's church, which is where he allegedly ultimately had a confrontation with the abortion practitioner at Reformation Lutheran Church and killed him.
"Bleass (sic) everyone for attending and praying in May to bring justice to Tiller and the closing of his death camp," he wrote.
"Sometime soon, would it be feasible to organize as many people as possible to attend Tillers church (inside, not just outside) to have much more of a presence and possibly ask questions of the Pastor, Deacons, Elders and members while there? Doesn't seem like it would hurt anything but bring more attention to Tiller," he said.
Clearly off the edge, with ties to the Montana Freeman Militia Group.
Randy Trochmann edited MOM's journal, Taking Aim, which discussed the New World Order conspiracy and its encroachment on every aspect of daily life. The publication was widely read in militia circles, and its popularity solidified MOM's place in the vanguard of the movement. The group also published a catalog that stocked everything from caps and fatigue jackets to guides on improvising munitions and escaping from police custody. The abusive power of the government was explored in videotapes like "Surviving Martial Law" by John Trochmann, "Government Gone Mad " by conspiracy theorist Jeff Baker and "Pestilence," in which James Wickstrom, an outspoken anti-Semitic and former Posse Comitatus leader, asserted that the AIDS virus was a biological weapon released by the NWO powers to eliminate two billion people by the year 2000. The MOM catalog also offered more specific training materials, including weapons breakdown manuals; "Techniques for Harassment," a video presenting the latest refinements of that art; and "How to Disappear Completely," which provided would-be revolutionaries with the skills to craft new identities.
Roeder has no ties in the prolife community. Like I said yesterday, sometimes people addicted to emotional rollercoasters run out of relatives and friends and they find a crusade to help their emotions run amok.
My friend LCIB, in the comments section, brings up very valid points. Tiller was a maniacal killer of the worst kind. We don't have to be sad he's dead. In honesty, I think we can say that few, if any of us are thinking “Isn’t this terrible, George Tiller is dead”. Tiller wasn't a threat to our country's sovereignty. Don't think we have the makings for a military response.
I am still processing this - like many people. We can be relieved Tiller is dead. We can pray and have hope that lives will be saved now that this tyrant is dead, while still proclaim that we are not called to take the sword to the killers. We're not called to prematurely take a life and the possible opportunity of future repentance – even if it was on Tiller's death bed.
Hey Carol,
"Nobody prolife would kill somebody else. It's the antithesis of our breed. It's unheard of, impossible."
I say Rubbish! - a subjective and romantic notion straight out of the homogenized pasteurized culture of death- katholic wing.
(read Fr, Pavone again)
Oh and thanks for the marginalization of marginalized prolife 'terrorists', whose greatest crime is standing within 35 ft. of an abortion mill and perhaps not using enough deodorant. Perhaps they feel the weight of the reality of abortion and are burdened because they carry it for us.
50,000 Americans died for a cause at 1 battle at Gettysburg MD during the civil war. The cause of Abolition of slavery as just as it is, is of a lower order than infanticide. But unlike abolition, the John Browns of the antiabortion cause are untouchables. So called Pro-life has failed. There is a national outcry of apologies from 'prolifers' for the execution of a late term abortion provider? Please!
Your breed? If there is no greater love than to lay down ones life for another didn't 'the shooter' just do that?...
- a story-
Dear Dr. Tiller,
My girlfriend is pregnant and she won’t listen to me. I know it’s harder on her, its like she’s not a kid herself anymore all of a sudden. I know I’m a dad now because the baby wouldn’t be in her stomach without me, but it just seems harder on her. She asked me about getting an abortion and stuff and I said no–way. At first she agreed and then all these outsiders kept talking trash. Like I’m not a real dad, or that the baby won’t have a chance cause we’ll be broke. Then I get all this pressure, like -why do I care? Or -it’s none of my business! And I ‘m like -Why do I care? -Hello? -I like babies too! And that bump in her belly is mine! Just cause I’m a guy don’t mean I’m ice cold. And then I’m like “Every kid deserves a family, and my girl and me can make one as good as anybody”. So I get her thinking, we start working real hard, start to save some money, make some plans. She’s getting fatter and fatter. Then all these strange bitches start coming around, talking more trash, I’m like wazup with that? I’m giving it all I got and then these bitches start making promises and then they say they ‘can take care of the problem’. I’m like what problem? And they’re like – we can ‘end the pregnancy’. I’m like ‘That’s sick!’ I say ‘Fuck you bitch’; you want to kill my son! And the girlfriend is like stuck in the middle- all fat and achy; hating life cause carrying a baby is hard work. I find out that these bitches work for you Dr. Tiller and that you will take a woman fully pregnant and kill her baby. And that shit is legal! My girlfriend told me to cancel the induction scheduled for the 18th, cause she’s going to your office this Saturday morning. Well she isn’t going to see you this Saturday, cause I’m going to cap your ass on the way to your car before you leave home. And I’m not going to cancel the induction, because by the time the dust settles and they find me for the arraignment it’ll be the 18th, we’ll be having our baby and my new baby son will be thanking me with a loud cry for capping your ass.
Thousands of Catholic Americans died fighting and -yes Killing to overcome slavery, today we are unwilling to hurt feelings.
It wasn't my intention to marginalize prolifers who stand and pray and save in front of abortion clinics. As far as I'm concerned, they are heroes.
I'm still processing this. Theologically, I just see Christ in the Garden of Gethsemene, an ear on the ground and Peter with a sword. Tiller's killing doesn't seem responsive to Christ's instruction
Fair enough...however
The Boston Archdioceses still bans parishes from going as a group to abortion mills because of John Salvi...What was it 20 years ago? One nut job gives us an excuse for inaction and forces polite discourse with these murderers?
If Catholics can't admit publicly that the world is a better place because Tiller is dead, then what is the point of the whole 'prolife movement'? To me it is the whole hope-springs-eternal in-the-face of-evil angle (see priest scandle)
I think Fr, Pavone nailed with his objective statement.
Theologically I see Joseph fleeing Egypt because his child is being hunted by Herod's evil. In my heart the Holy Innocence that fell to Herod are kindred to the ones who fell to Tiller's.
Ear Shmear.
"Hey Pete if they don't hear my word now ..they'll never hear it if you start lopping ears off."
My little fiesty friend,
Absolutely Tiller's murders are exactly the same as the killings of the Holy Innocents. We can absolutely rejoice that children will live as a result of these circumstances. That is a whole separate issue. We just don't have the makings here for a miltary response. God willing, there will never come a time when there is another civil war in this country. We are nowhere near it.
When Herod executed John the Baptist, Christ didn't saddle up the crew and lead a crusade to kill Herod.
Yes, Joseph fled. He skeedaddled. Joseph wasn't inspired to kill Herod.
All I see in the final chapters of the Bible is a story about Christendom being hunted down, a lot of different kinds of martyrdom in a war against truth and the Church. We are entering another level of the crucible. Tie yourself onto the Ark. The sea is about to get a little rough.
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