Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Computer Challenged

Sorry to be a stranger to blogging. My charger went for my laptop and so I have to steal away one of the children's computers when they're not using it. Doesn't leave a lot of time to post. I've ordered the part and things will be back to normal when it arrives.

Meanwhile, the varmint in the White House is bringing our precious country this close to this.

And, please pray for this poor Christian family under siege:

A Taunton father is outraged after his 8-year-old son was sent home from school and required to undergo a psychological evaluation after drawing a stick-figure picture of Jesus on the cross.

The father said he got a call earlier this month from Maxham Elementary School informing him that his son, a second-grade student, had created a violent drawing. The image in question depicted a crucified Jesus with Xs covering his eyes to signify that he had died on the cross. The boy wrote his name above the cross.

“As far as I’m concerned, they’re violating his religion,” the incredulous father said.

And, fun was had by all.

1 comment:

M. Alexander said...

Did you hear the school administration is saying that the picture shown by the father is not the same one.
