Sunday, April 18, 2010

Catholics Were Not Very Persuaded by Attacks on the Pope

The view in the pews is the scandal is primarily the result of "media sensationalism" and it's unlikely someone of Benedict's stature erred in the way he's been accused, said Ed McGowan, a parishioner at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Jacksonville.

But on the First Coast, many Catholics dismiss the criticism and coverage as the creation of money-hungry lawyers and the insatiable appetite of the 24-hour news cycle.

A spokeswoman for the Jacksonville-based Catholic Diocese of St. Augustine said local Catholic officials have reported no complaints or questions from parishioners and see no evidence that church attendance is suffering due to the international news barrage.

In part, I think this is the fruit of grace which the Pope speaks of here:

"A year ago I had the grace of visiting the Holy Land and praying before the Lord’s empty tomb. There, echoing the witness of the Apostle Peter, I proclaimed that Christ, by rising to new life, has taught us “that evil never has the last word, that love is stronger than death, and that our future, and the future of all humanity, lies in the hands of a faithful and provident God” 

Love is stronger than death, evil never has the last word and we are in the hands of a faithful and provident God.

500,000 are expected to greet him in Fatima next month.

The beat goes on.

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