Friday, August 20, 2010

Bishop Ouelet Sounds Very Promising

Newly appointed prefect for the Congregation of Bishops is on our radar screen in Boston.  He seems to 'get it'.

We Need Bishops With ‘Spiritual Discernment’ over ‘Political Calculation’

“We have suffered from this mentality of dissent” that is “still dominating the intelligentsia,” said Ouellet.....
“There is no real discipleship there, real discipleship,” he added. “The discipleship that is emerging is from those who believe and who really love the Church.”

We're getting a paper trail all tidied up.

As soon as the dust settles, we'll be moseying his way.

By the way, with all the hubbub around BostonCatholicInsider, don't forget to check in with Bryan Hehir Exposed who is working away at chronicling the "acting bishop" of Boston.

Phenomenal post today about the company Hehir keeps.

Check it out.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a gutsy bishop! This is great news.
Thanks for the reminder about the other blog. I just checked out the take action page so I can channel my frustration here creatively:

Sarah said...

RealCatholicTV has a good short video clip about Bishop Ouellet at