Sunday, August 15, 2010

Republicans Seek to Make Ground Zero Mosque an Issue in November Elections

Nationally, 68 percent of Americans said they opposed building the mosque two blocks from the target of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, in an Aug. 6-10 poll conducted for CNN.

BTW - Has anyone else aside from Cardinal O'Malley rushed to the defense of Barack Hussein Obama pretending they don't see the women and children who are oppressed, beaten and abused by Muslim men every day all across the globe?

With so many people refusing to ignore the pile of broken bodies of women and children and 3000 dead Americans in Manhattan, what exactly is the burden of moving the mosque ten miles down the road?

ADDENDUM:   Couldn't pass up these comments from Terry at Abby Road.

Islam is not a religion of peace - except for its members of course.  Try to leave Islam and become Christian - off with your head.  Fall in love and have sex with an infidel or outside marriage, the punishment goes from hanging to stoning and off with the head.

There's plenty of pictures around the internet of this 'religion of peace'. Women who rejected marriage proposals, read something Christian, talk to an American soldier, painted their toenails.

Support of this effort is insidious and an insult to decent human beings.


Marie Tremblay said...

Good post. Check out what Paul Melanson is saying about this. He has an excerpt from a great article written by two moderate Muslims in the comments section.

Anonymous said...

L'Osservatore Romano on Obama on a mosque at Ground Zero

The August 15th issue of the Italian edition of L'Osservatore Romano
reports (without comment but favorably) on Obama's "yes" to a mosque at Ground Zero (

Sì di Obama a una moschea a Ground zero
Obama's "yes" to a mosque at Ground Zero

Il presidente degli Stati Uniti, Barack Obama, riconosce che i musulmani hanno il diritto di costruire una moschea a pochi passi da Ground zero, a New York, dove sorgevano le Torri gemelle distrutte nell'attentato dell'11 settembre 2001.
The U.S. president, Barack Obama, acknowledges that Muslims have the right to build a mosque just steps from Ground Zero in New York, where stood the twin towers destroyed in the attack of 11 September 2001.

Obama si è espresso in questo senso, ieri sera, in un discorso alla comunità musulmana statunitense poco prima dell' iftar , la cena che precede l'inizio del Ramadan.
Obama has spoken in this sense, last night, in a speech to the American Muslim community shortly before 'iftar, the meal preceding the start of Ramadan.

Il presidente ha ricordato che "il dolore e la sofferenza di chi ha perso i propri cari è inimmaginabile" e ha detto di comprendere "le emozioni che questa vicenda provoca".
The President said that "pain and suffering of those who lost loved ones is unbelievable" and said he understood "the emotions that this story leads."

Obama ha poi respinto ogni equazione tra terrorismo e islam e "con la massima chiarezza in quanto cittadino e in quanto presidente" si è detto "convinto che i musulmani hanno il diritto di praticare la propria religione come qualsiasi altra persona in questo Paese".
Obama has also rejected any equation between terrorism and Islam, and "most clearly as a citizen and as president" said he was "convinced that Muslims have the right to practice their religion as any other person in this country."

E ciò comprende anche "il diritto di costruire un luogo di culto e un centro per la comunità su una proprietà privata a Lower Manhattan".
And this includes "the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in Lower Manhattan."

Jerry said...

They're listening to the Beatles and likely smoking pot at L'Osservatore Romano.

What's Cardinal O'Malley's excuse?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:49

Religious Liberty in action. Thank you, Vatican II.


TTC said...


Look at this kiddies.

That bastion of orthodoxy L'Osservatore Romano has published that il presidente "understands the emotions that this story leads".

No, actually. Evidently, he doesn't.

If he wants to equate the opposition to the building of a muslim mosque over our dead in Manhattan as religious bigotry, he is woefully underestimating not only "the emotions' but the 'intellect' of 'where this story leads' - just as he did with the Professor Gates fiasco.

What's next? Telling us what Joan Chittister thinks? Catholics United?