Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Another general tangled up in Patraeus scandal

Another general is involved in the Patraeus scandal. We are a foolish lot.


Anonymous said...

and all the Kings men.......

breathnach said...

Anything but Benghazi.... Obama thrives on sex scandals.....it's the Chicago way

susan said...

Rush had the best comment on this...

"Too many generals taking orders from their privates."

Steve "scotju" Dalton said...

New slogans for the Army and the USMC brass. Get all you can in the Army and Semper Fly!

andy kastone said...

It seems clear now that Obama edited the CIA's talking points, taking out the reference to Al Qeda and replacing it with the movie, and then sent Rice et al. out to lie about it on national TV. All to further his narrative of having Al Qaeda "on the run."

This man Obama is a repulsive liar. Osama never would have been killed without use of the tactics Obama decried. But now it's his claim to fame. He is going to run this country into the ground.