Monday, June 10, 2013

(Boston's) Bishop Chris Coyne Celebrates Ad Orientem Anglican Use Mass

Ok, he's not in Boston now, but Boston is his home town.


Here's a funny Fr. Chris Coyne story.

When he was here serving as the Cardinal's Secretary of Communication (Terry Donilon's job), must be 20 years ago now, and I was being my usual pest self about something stupid somebody was doing.  I don't remember exactly what it was, but I want to say it was reiki or something like that.  They weren't acting fast enough to spare people of being sucked in, so I was turning up the heat and pestering, driving them crazy. 

He told me to have a glass of Dewar's and chill!

Never heard of the stuff and had to ask him what it was.

He was fresh.   But, you had to love him. He wasn't a game player.   He truly wanted to do the right thing for Christ and His Church.  He took the time to really investigate, follow up and follow through.  Even when I disagreed with the end results, I could respect them because the process was honest and almost always, the errors and wrongs being carried out came to the right resolution. 

He is aging like a fine wine!

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