Saturday, July 20, 2013

Ha. Blacklisted by The National Catholic Register

I came across a story on Cleansing Fire about this piece of poopoo at the National Catholic Register.

I attempted to post a comment and received the following message:

The following errors were encountered
•You are not authorized to perform this action - blacklisted. In order to request removal of the blacklisting, please email us at Register Editor. Thank you for your patience.

Was it something I said?

n.b. Check out the comments on the story.

Crisis Magazine Redux.

Hire sophomoric and obnoxious people to educate the cream of the crop and then ban your supporters, readers and benefactors.

Good business plan dat.

A USCCB hall of famer. Look how it's worked out for them.

I think these cats have cornered the culprits:


Pauli said...

This just happened to me as well. Fortunately I was able to post using a different IP address and email identity. They track it mainly by IP, I think. But I wonder what caused their original ban -- what did I try to comment? I think it might be because I used a fake email once. However that would have been a long time ago, and I don't think I even had this IP address at the time because I had a different ISP. Intriguing....

Anonymous said...

Cardinal Gerhard Muller's doctrinal error was placed on the Vatican website and found on Edward Pentin's webpage.The editors at the National Catholic Register approved it

Anonymous said...

January 16, 2015

Catholics threathened by their bishop or the Vatican