Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Evil never has the last word.

Jesus, we trust in You.

Every so often, especially during these past few years, a situation arises that puts me to the test of between getting sucked into a vortex or disciplining myself to always choose the good - no matter what the circumstances.

Mindless and undisciplined reactions to painful events pulls us towards the evil.

If I didn't know intimacy with the Eucharist, I'd be a goner.


Anonymous said...

Carol, one thing that has profoundly helped me understand why God allows evil is the parable of the wheat and the tares. God is showing deep tenderness to the wheat by not napalming the tares, as it were.

JB said...

I experience the same phenomenon. A painful event can lead to a vortex of sorts. I try to be more aware of it and ask God for an even keel through the good and the bad.

TTC said...

In fire gold is tested.