Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Another Gem out of Germany

What the world needs now is more sleeping around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reading all this material reminds me of the book: LORD OF THE WORLD:

"Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, for one.

If you’re drawing a blank on this name, Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson (1871-1914) was one of the most popular preachers and literary authors of turn-of-the-century England. He was also son of the Archbishop of Canterbury, which made his 1903 conversion to Roman Catholicism, and subsequent ordination, a cause célèbre that rivaled that of Newman.

Benson is best known for his historical fiction–his most famous work being Come Rack! Come Rope! (1912), his stirring account of the Protestant revolt in 16th-century England–as well as for his dystopic fantasy, Lord of the World (1907).

In Lord of the World Benson imagines the rise of a socialist, humanist one-world government that suppresses religious expression. Esperanto is the official language. Euthanasia is the customary antidote for extreme suffering. A culture of death parades itself as a culture of life."