Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Language of Dissent

With the recent unveiling of plans from Rome to confuse the flock, our  friend and catechist Kevin Lents has written a very timely and important book for the days ahead of us in the next year. 

The Language of Dissent:  Answering Those Who Distort the Catholic Faith

I would anticipate a resurgence of  "The Voice of the Faithful" type initiatives to advance the agenda on the diocescan and parish level.   These folks have run their course and are pretty washed up, but vigilance and action is going to be required, i.e., watching for the meetings, attending and defending the faith, making sure what was said in the event is published on the internet  etc.

You know the routine!

I really like his intro

As a Catholic, can you answer these misleading statements about the Catholic faith? +Jesus did not know He was God. +There are errors in the Bible. +Adam and Eve are merely legends and myth. +Jesus really did not multiply the fishes and loaves. +The Catholic Church no longer teaches the doctrines of purgatory and Indulgences. If not, then there is good news. The Language of Dissent was written just for you and it will equip you with all the answers you need against those who distort the Catholic faith.

Kevin's book is organized into several sections - the papacy and magisterium, Sacramental theology, moral theology, Scriptural inerrancy and hermeneutics, and really dives into dissent and confusion and arms the reader with outstanding theology and responses.

It is a great tool for yourself (especially if you frequent patheos) , your parish priest, CCD teacher, Bishop and Pope.  (Ooops, there I go again!)

I would encourage all to check it out, pick up a copy and have it on hand. 

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