Sunday, March 22, 2015

Who are the Doctors of Church Law?

The Remnant has a funny video up about Pope Francis recent statement discrediting the doctors of Church Law. The video is in response to the "year of mercy" in which Pope Francis tells us the Church has to stop acting like doctors of the law.

In praxis, a doctor of Church Law is a parent, grandparent, relative, friend, neighbor, priest, bishop, cardinal who uses the Deposit of Faith to bring healing to wounded souls with Sanctifying Grace.

We are the people who teach our children the reasons why we don't live in a state that is inconsistent with the reception of Sanctifying Grace and the theology of salvation.

We are the parents who teach our children the reasons why shaking up with their sexual lovers is living in constant state of mortal sin.

We are the priests who teach the distinction between right and wrong, sin and virtue so that souls will seek absolution and have access to the Sanctifying Grace that gives us the tools to recognize and reject the wiles of satan.

We are the bishops and cardinals who take the raping of souls and larceny of salvation more seriously than raping physical bodies.

We are the Popes that preserve, govern and sanctify with Church Law.

The doctors of the law are the physicians of souls.

It is impossible for an ordained man to teach souls not to apply Church Law to make judgments on right and wrong, there is virtue in sin and to live their life in an objective state of mortal sin and heal the soul.

We can't see souls but they are a physical thing. When a soul is afflicted with mortal sin, it is terminal. In the state of a walking dead man, the soul loses the ability to instruct the intellect on right and wrong, good judgment and bad judgment. A soul in this state suffers from the consequences of their bad judgment. They are cut off from their salvation.

Pope Francis is suggesting the practice our vocation by leading and leaving souls in this state is a version of 'mercy' that was missed by 2000 years of Doctors of Church Law.

The Holy Father is living his vocation by teaching there is no discernment of spirits, no consultation with Church teaching be made to inform right and wrong when a desire comes along.

The Doctors of Church Law include St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict, all the saints and doctors of the Church.

What was the matter with the Holy Father's request we embrace the theology of virtue in sin and admittance of divorced and remarried to Communion?

The theory can't be limited to the divorced and remarried. It has to be applied to all.

Either a soul has to be in a state of Grace to receive the Eucharist or their logic applies to everyone who rejects Church teaching and breaks any Commandment for any reason.

People who have refused to apply for an annulment and civilly married are no different than anyone else living a life in a constant state of mortal sin.

Men picking up drunk and lonely women in barrooms for one night stands, couples living together, everyone in a civil marriage, the guy who robbed the bank, the pedophiles, a mass murderer.

Church law is based upon logic that is woven into every Commandment and teaching in the Catechism that feeds Christ's descendants Sanctifying Grace.

The Pope asks, 'how many times does a person living in a state of mortal sin run into closed doors at the local parish'?

I'll tell you something right now.

I did, once - back when my first child was born and I brought her to the local parish to be baptized. I had lived there for several years and rarely stepped foot in the place. Still rebelling against Church teaching on contraception, had my nose out of joint on what I perceived as the mistreatment of women.

The priest asked me who I was, how long I had lived in the parish, told me he had never seen me before. He explained that as a priest, he couldn't give out the Sacrament of Baptism unless the parents were upholding their promise to bring their children up in the Church. He asked me to recommit myself to that promise or he could not Baptize my child.

That man gave me a gift which will be forever in his debt. It was the beginning of my conversion. He saved me from myself and gave my children a mother who upheld her promise to Christ.

Had he cheapened the Sacrament and passed it out like the guy selling me lattes at Dunkin Donuts, I would have missed out on intimacy with Christ, decades of right judgment, the counsel of the Doctors of the Church and Law.

The Holy Father wants to rob us of the counsel and practice of Doctors of Church Law and physicians of souls and call it mercy?

Another turkey that will not fly.


Ever mindful said...

That is an excellent medical analysis...thank you.

By the way, do you know why Moses is the patron of General Practitioners ?(Family Practice Physicians)??

Because he was the first to say:"Take these two tablets, and call me in the morning."

M. Prodigal said...

I attended the baptism of my sister's grandchild. Her son is living with a woman who is still legally married to another man and now they have a child. The mother has two other children. The priest baptized the girlfriend and all the children with no instruction. In fact he did not know that 'Cody' was the girlfriend. They baptism meant nothing to Cody or to my nephew but appeased my sister.

Dave Heath said...

You comment of "The theory can't be limited to the divorced and remarried. It has to be applied to all" echoes a similar one I made at the end of a recent post, addressed to Card.Tagle:

"Please make sure that what is applicable to the laity in general, is equally applicable to a particular sub-set of the laity. What you change for one, must change for all. What you allow for one, must be allowed for all."

If the door is opened to a sub-set of Catholics in mortal sin to receive the Body and Blood of Christ without the need of Confession, the door must be opened to all in any state of Mortal sin as well. This is the Pandora's box they want to open, and if done, will split the Church wide open.

Chloe said...

I went to the baptism of a relative's child some years ago. The parents weren't married. The godparents either weren't married to their 'partners' (disgusting expression) or were atheists. I came out. I was sick to my stomach hearing them promise to bring that child up as a Catholic when they had no idea whatsoever what a Catholic was. The rationale for the ceremony was, I think, well we've always done it. It's an excuse for a 'do'. What makes me even more sick is that I didn't say anything. Didn't do anything. I'm not sure, twelve years on, whether I've any more backbone now than I had then. Please pray for all those of us who have so little courage in the face of our own families.

Anonymous said...

Mercy does not mean embracing evil as good, but forgiving evil and encouraging change to good.

TTC said...

To be clear, that is the definition of the Sacrament of Confession, which is circumvented and obstructed with Pope Francis model of telling sinners mercy is the Cgurch finding virtue in sin.

March 23, 2015 at 5:40 PM