Monday, April 13, 2015

Cardinal Müller:No Mercy Without Truth

Tit for tat baby, tit for tat.

"The Holy Year is to serve the people to remember that mercy can not be without the truth," said Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Prefect of the Congregation.

Cardinal Müller didn't name names, but went on to say some people around this place are tempted to separate one from the other.

The love of God is closely bound up with the truth. The same applies to the so-called broken families, those who are in an irregular situation. They need the attention of the Church, not in new pastoral ways, but by the truth.

Yes, with fifty years of non-existent catechesis and the secular world demoralizing the people we love, what the family needs is a pope who will teach the truth and mercy of absolution, the firm purpose of amendment and Sanctifying Grace.

In view of the Synod of Bishops in October, the German cardinal added that this also applies to the family. "We must accept all, especially sinners, because we are all sinners, but according to the instructions of God and not by human considerations. Because sometimes people see things a little differently as God sees them."

Doesn't get any better than that!

1 comment:

Restore-DC-Catholicism said...

I'm grateful for Cardinal Muller's forthrightness, especially in light of events of the past two days.