Sunday, May 31, 2015

Ireland has gone further than the pagans

Cardinal Raymond Burke, who was recently moved from a senior role in the Vatican to be patron of the Order of Malta, told the Newman Society, Oxford University’s Catholic Society, last night that he struggled to understand “any nation redefining marriage”.

Visibly moved, he went on: “I mean, this is a defiance of God. It’s just incredible. Pagans may have tolerated homosexual behaviours, they never dared to say this was marriage.”

The more I learn about the energy Enda Kenny put into turning Ireland into Sodom, the more accountable Fr. William Leahy of Boston College becomes to the demoralization of generations of Irish Catholics.

As readers here will remember, shortly after Enda unleashed abortion laws to devour Irish women and children, Fr. Leahy selected him to bestow B.C. Law School honorary degree for upholding Catholic doctrine in laws.

The defiant affirmation to Enda, whose intellect was clearly exhibiting the effects of sin needing absolution - i.e. the squash rot of finding virtue in slaying children - empowered Enda to continue on his reckless trajectory. Shortly after, Enda disclosed his shockingly pagan view of God and disbelief in the Sacraments.

For Fr. Leahy, when it came to selecting a man to honor for codifying Catholic values into laws, there's nothing like an apostate and murderer of children.

Sometimes, when I observe the vineyard from the big picture, it becomes clear that there is one particular person in a locus who is mass murdering souls with spiritual contagion.

I've always found the damage done by Fr. Leahy to generations of Catholic children, catastrophic. The empowerment he gave Enda that day has now borne its fruits in another country.

Boston prolifers put the squeezola on Cardinal O'Malley to boycott Fr. Leahy's massacre. Little did we all know the magnitude of the crime we steered him from leaving his fingerprints.


breathnach said...

The true trailblazer of secularism at Boston College was Father Donald Monan. Monan did all the heavy lifting in de-coupling Boston College from Roman Catholicism. Monan was a man of power intent on eliminatiing the identity of a Catholic university and replacing it with an empty shell of secularism, reflecting all the corruption and manias of our sick society. Monan did all this during a transitional period when an older generation of Catholics had some will left to muster opposition. Leahy is a mini-me to Father Monan.

Monan and Leahy fulfilled the objectives outlined in 1967 at the Land O'Lakes Conference on Catholic Universities: "The Land O' Lakes conference that took place in a Notre Dame-owned property in Wisconsin in July of 1967. That conference brought together 26 men, almost all priests and educators, presided over by Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, then President of Notre Dame, the same man (now well into his nineties) who ostentatiously attended the Obama commencement. The statement issued at the conclusion of the Land O' Lakes conference included these words: "To reform its teaching and research functions effectively, the Catholic University must have a true autonomy and academic freedom in the face of authority of whatsoever kind, lay or clerical, external to the academic community itself." In other words, in order to achieve the identity of academic institutions with an emphasis on research rather than teaching, and to qualify for federal and state money, "Catholic" universities must cease…. to be Catholic! And so it is today, with 90 percent of these universities being Catholic in name only." (Professor Charles Rice)

Anonymous said...

Bishop Blaise Cupich was the commencement speaker on May 18, 2015
at Boston College. Here's his commencement address: ‪#‎BC2015‬
Please pray for us, LAY FAITHFUL in the archdiocese of Chicago.
+ PAX +

Anonymous said...

Bishop Blaise Cupich was the commencement speaker on May 18, 2015
at Boston College. Here's his commencement address: ‪#‎BC2015‬
Please pray for us, LAY FAITHFUL in the archdiocese of Chicago.
+ PAX +