Friday, December 19, 2008

Bailouts R Us: Obama and Biden need 700 billion more

Bailouts R Us:

What's that you say?

You want groceries, eyeglasses? Blood pressure medication? An MRI to see what that nagging pain in your back is? You want to afford the co-payments to fix your teeth? Want your kids to go to college?

Forget about it.

The 700 billion needs another 700 billion. All very fascinating when you add the trillion to employ people to "repair bridges".

Goldman Sachs has set aside 7 billion from the bailout for salary increases and bonuses.

Has history ever seen a bigger bunch of crooks running our government and private industries?

The good news is, the Arab oil sheiks are unable to gouge us to heat our homes or run our cars. Cutting back the supply to drive up the prices for the upkeep of their palaces didn't pan out this week. Prices slid below 40 dollars are barrel in spite of them.

Vice President-Elect Joe Biden said the U.S. economy is in danger of "absolutely tanking" and will need a second stimulus package in the $600-billion to $700-billion range.

Come on, we're housebound here in New England. Tune into the loose canon on Sunday, shall we?

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