Washington Times Inside Blogotics
Faith-based stalking
It's common sense.We reported here last week about the arrest on prostitution charges, some involving the coercion of a minor, against a longtime liberal Catholic activist who was head of Ohio's Office on Faith-based Initiatives during 2007.
Catholic blogger Carol McKinley now asks about the timeline related to her blowing the whistle on Eric McFadden, who had a series of affiliations with liberal Catholic groups — Catholics for Kerry, the Catholic Alliance for the Common Good, and Ohio religious outreach for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's primary bid.
Mrs. McKinley wonders why Gov. Ted Strickland later brought Mr. McFadden onto the Clinton Ohio campaign and what was uncovered by any state investigation of Mr. McFadden's computer use.
"If your employee had a leadership problem in a dinky faith-based outreach operation, you wouldn't recruit him to run the Clinton/Strickland faith-based operation in the important state of Ohio, would you. … Strickland's staff certainly did not act upon what I provided them with because they were skeptical it was some kind of political ploy. They conducted their own investigation of his activities.
"Whatever Strickland's staff found … they shuffled him quickly out of the office for faith based initiatives. To say now that they were ignorant of any suspicious or threatening activity does not comport with the facts on record," she wrote.
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