Monday, September 6, 2010

"Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good"

A lot of fun buzz this week about the abortion lobbyists.

Jack Smith at Catholic Key Blog tracked down "Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good" and found it kaput.  Website stripped of staff members, phone disconnected, etc.

One of the founders of 'the catholics in alliance for the common good' was appointed to the Obama administration where abortion policies can be worked on at the highest levels of Health and Human Services.

The other founder was caught running a prostitution ring, including the prostitution of children and is now registered as a level 2 sex offender.

There was a handful of people behind the charade and with two of their most effective leaders gone,of course this initiative fell apart.

This leaves Chris Korzen and James Salt in charge of the Democratic National Party email list of dissenting Catholics with questions about what to do for the upcoming election.

The farce they are running now, "Catholics United" has pretty much been made radioactive and Bishops, priests teaching heresy and immorality as virtue to the people are afraid to be aligned with it.

The show needed a new name.

Chris Korzen has the big TADA!.  They are reinventing themselves as a news agency.

Korzen did not say when the news business will be launched or how it will be financed, but noted that one of the tasks of the new entity will be "reporting on the activities of CNA and EWTN."


After all, who would question the honesty and sincerity of this face:

The eyes sure are the windows to the soul, aren't they.

There's a way to use their initiative and their money as free advertising for our work while making them radioactive with our own initiatives so that the people who align with them are outed for their agenda.

Instead of CNA (Catholic News Agency), maybe Korzen and his cronies could be CAN (Catholic Apostate News)?

Or how about instead of EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network), they could be WTNE (Wisdom Termites Need Everyday).


Restore-DC-Catholicism said...

Carolyn, see my post today about the contest that I just announced! :-)

TTC said...


Count me in!