Friday, October 22, 2010

Catholic Bloggers Aim to Purge Dissenters

Very nice article by Rachel Zoll on the new Catholic apostolate on the internet.

The blog "Bryan Hehir Exposed" is aimed at a top adviser to Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley, the Rev. J. Bryan Hehir, who is the former head of national Catholic Charities and a professor at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government. Among the bloggers' claims is that Hehir is a Marxist sympathizer who undermines Catholic teaching on abortion and marriage.
Hehir, who has advised church leaders for four decades, hasn't responded to any accusations and neither has O'Malley, a Capuchin Franciscan friar known for his humility. However, O'Malley said in April on his own blog that Hehir "inspires us with his compassion, vision and fidelity to the work of the Church." In August, O'Malley blocked access from archdiocesan headquarters to one of the critical blogs, the anonymously penned Boston Catholic Insider.

Not only has Cardinal O'Malley done nothing about the 40 years of dissent and scandal being chronicled on BHE, he is going out of his way to protect him.

The same flaw that has brought the Roman Catholic Church to its knees is still deeply entrenched in Boston.  When a Cardinal gets wind of scandals, they bunker down to protect the perpetrator; and

"The lack of civility is very disturbing," said Terrence C. Donilon, the archdiocesan spokesman.

they engage in smear campaigns.

We are disturbing their civilization of corruption and ineptitude.   

By the way, with all of the things Voice of the Faithful has said and done including outrageous malice incited inside of every parish for priests, Bishops and the teachings of the Church, bringing in all kinds of heretics and apostates to mislead Catholics on doctrine, circling parishioners who went in and out of services, disrupting Liturgies -- did you ever hear Terry Donilon or anyone for the Archdiocese say that these people were disturbing and uncivilized?

There was never anything but gushing praise and promises to 'work together'.

Cardinal O'Malley and his administration are hostile to Catholics faithful to doctrine.   I'm sorry to say it but it what it is.

"There's an old saying: Once you become a bishop, you never get bad news or a bad meal," said Carol McKinley, 53, a Boston-area blogger who named her site "The Tenth Crusade." "Not a single bishop will look at the whole. They enjoy their ignorance."
Critics of the bloggers contend the activists are motivated mostly by politics, not theology. The blogs feature nearly as many attacks on President Barack Obama as church leaders. McKinley's site, until recently, was called "Throwthebumsoutin2010," in anticipation of the midterm elections.

By the way, my comment about "not a single bishop will look at the whole" was in the context of the whole Body of Bishops at the USCCB.  

After the sexual abuse crisis, there were explicit promises to be watchdogs to their brother bishops.   They promised to make sure their colleagues are engaging in ethical practices and they pledged to hold each other's feet to the fire.

I was expressing my frustration at this broken promise.

But there are many good Bishops who are paying attention in their own dioceses.   Bishop Chaput, Bishop Vasa, Bishop Nienstedt (who is cleaning house!) and many, many others.   

For those of us trapped in a diocese that is corrupt, experiencing the willful ignorance and clericalism in the Body of Bishops, it does not speak well to those of us who wanted to believe that a Bishop would never get away with what is happening in Boston.

When things are imploding from the scandals at the Chancery, the days of sweeping things under the rug to keep the public image of the Bishop looking stellar are behind us. 

However, the conservative Catholic activists insist their faith, especially church teaching on abortion, inspires all their work.
Catholic officials are struggling to come to terms with the bloggers and have organized several recent media conferences on the topic, the latest at the Vatican this month. The U.S. bishops' conference issued social media guidelines in July calling for Christian charity online.
Still, no one expects the Catholic blogosphere to change tone anytime soon. Many of the conservatives most active online had spent years raising the alarm about dissent on their own in their local dioceses without much effect. Now, they feel they are finally being heard online.
"There's a general sense among many faithful Catholics that no matter how much they write their bishops, no matter how much they go to the pastors, all of these unfaithful things keep getting taught," Voris said. "I think enough Catholics are saying, 'That's it. I've had it.'"

We have done everything feasible within Cardinal O'Malley's administration.  It has been perfectly clear that Cardinal O'Malley is hostile to Faithful Catholics.

We are taking our whistleblowing public and gearing up the activists to take our parishes and Chancery back from the employees hostile to Catholic doctrine.

It is happening all over the country.

Kudos to Zoll for being on top of this cutting edge story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicely done.