Thursday, February 23, 2012

This is Visible to Me at Every Mass

I cannot imagine being invited to these mystical events, sitting before them, and not entering the prayer that takes you there.

Hat tip to Philip Johnson for the amazing picture.


Left-footer said...

Amazing and beautiful. Eamonn Duffy wrote in "The Stripping of the Altars" of large numbers of pre-"reformation" Catholics who had visions of the Blood of Christ during the Consecration.

Thank you - tweeted, facebooked, and linked. God bless!

Lynne said...

Philip Johnson is amazing. I didn't realize he had a blog...

Maria said...

No mystic I Left-footer. Though,who among us does not imagine what it will be like to see Him face to face? How inhuman not to...

TTC said...

Thanks Chris. I so wish priests would teach the people to really pray the Mass mystically - and be physically present at all the events. Think them through as the prayers are being said. Anyone and everyone can go there - from the Beatitudes and Praetorium to the Resurrection. Everything that happens in between. I forget who taught me - a Melkite, I think. The teaching guidance priests in formation in the Novus Ordo are given - is so lame. What a treasure our people are missing.

Lynne - Philip is on my blogroll - so I can remember to pray for him and keep up with his zeal for the House of the Lord.