Sunday, December 15, 2013

Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, credits the Second Vatican Council’s liturgy reform with stemming the tide of the de-Christianization of the West.

Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, credits the Second Vatican Council’s liturgy reform with stemming the tide of the de-Christianization of the West.

Anyone have a clue what this man is using to evidence the tide of de-Christianization was stemmed by the fruitful practices of Vatican II?

The pews were overflowing prior to Vatican II and they are empty now.
The culture of death was outlawed prior to Vatican II.
Tyrants who mass murder of hundreds of thousands of people were not heroes of the pagan culture.
Men and women were striving to be virtuous.
Christians were free.

I don't subscribe to theories that any change in the Sacred Rite of our Liturgy had anything to do with the rising power of the devil.

The vernacular of the Mass doesn't change the outcome: Christ's Holy Sacrifice happens before our eyes and we consume His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. I'll go so far as to say that the worst of the worst disrespectful antics in the Novus Ordo, and even themes ascribed to the Holy Sacrifice to Offer Christ for the purpose of communicants taking pride in their sins of adultery - do nothing to degrade the Properties in the Eucharist that have the power to triumph over every personal temptation and sin and cultural evil.

But the tide of de-Christianization is directly related to changes brought to the West by the hijacking of Vatican II to introduce disobedience to Church teaching as virtue. The lack of courage and discipline by the Holy See to stem that tide is directly related to the outcome of millions of souls who lost their salvation.

In light of this outcome, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Muller's statement is beyond ludicrous.


breathnach said...

Just as leftists and Dumocrats shout louder and louder that the people will adore Obamacare, once they realize that the health system has been ruined, many deluded clerics continue to insist that Vatican II (as implemented from 1965) was not a train wreck.

JB said...

It's almost a mental disorder at this point. They cannot see the evidence right in front of them. I think it's because to do would involve admitting that Vatican II was, at best, an average church council that yielded no real good fruit at all. That wouldn't make it unique.